What is the best video game ever?

ElanJo said:
Knights of the Old Republic (1)
Mass Effect 1&2
Metal Gear Solid 2
Battlefield 2: Special Forces
Pro Evo 5 (at least I think if was 5)

Man after my own heart with the Bioware action RPG thing going on. I'd recomend Baldur's Gate 1+2 and Jade Empire if you never played it. Dragon Age is class too. However. Although i am a complete and utter bellend if there is one thing i know about it's my games. I'm talking 10 hours a day for the last 15 years NO EXAGERATION. They are my one true weakness (prehaps even over Man City).

Anyway. Best game of all time. It's a bit of a bogus thing to say really. It's like greatest album. All you can do is offer an opinion. So here's mine for all who care.

1) Final Fantasy 7:
The most griping and moving game i have ever played. I still play this game at least twice a year. It will never be surpassed. End Of!


2) Fahrenheit:
Belgian film maker David Cage decided to make a game that is a bit more cerebral than your usual bullshit chavtastic COD shootemups. He ended up making a tale of a man framed for a murder which he DID commit. But had no control over. The gameplay is more like a finely written book than a game. Most beautifully haunting soundtrack in any game ever made. A truely great game.


3) Star Wars, Knights of the Old Republic:
I love Biowares action RPG titles and i love Star Wars. This was always gunna be a winner. A massive quest accross the Star Wars Universe to piece together the footsteps of a Sith lord in an atempt to end a war thretening to destroy the entire Galaxy. All set 4000 years before the original movies and with over 30 hours gameplay and more side missions than you can shake a Wookie at. I still geek out just thinking about it. (Best played on PC)


4) Heavy Rain:
Absolutely beautiful game made by the same guy who created Fahrenheit. Parts of heavy Rain actualy had me in tears. In this game he really wanted people to feal responsability for their actions. In too many games human life is treated with utter contempt (GTA, COD etc). What Cage wanted was to build an emotional bond between the gamer and the Characters so when big decisions and actions took place the player would have to deal with the consiquences. All that plus it is wonderfully written with an awsome soundtrack and stunning visuals.


5) Mass Effect:
Blew me Away Completely when i first played it. It was totaly un expected. Shepard is a true bad ass. Brilliant (if a little un original) story. Class gameplay and a feal of a blade Runner esque Sci-Fi Adventure to it. Great game. Shame Bioware alowed EA to ruin the sequal.

The ones that stick out in my memory for being great at the time when they came out:

International Superstar Soccer on SNES - anyone else play that? The two Columbian forwards were RAPID!


Donkey Kong Country (snes)

WWF Smackdown

Street Fighter 2

Tony Hawks 2 (EPIC)


All the snes Mario World/Cart etc.

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