What Makes You Proud To Be British?

From that I'd say the NHS, the armed forces, our culture and arts (particularly our literary output over the centuries), and there are still many British businesses that pack a punch. I don't think we have a complete democracy so I would never answer that.

Nonetheless, I agree with others that being proud of where you're from is somewhat strange and cocksure. It's something you have no control over. Any achievements an individual may make in life, or any their children make make; well that's something you can certainly be proud of.
Why can't you take pride in your country's achievements when they benefit all of us? Folk are happy to condemn things they don't like about it - two sides of the same national identity coin.
I'm not a fan of the royals.

However one thing I find truly British is the dress up people do anytime theres a major royal celebration or commiseration.

The Brits know how to do pomp and circumstance. Makes me feel nostalgic for the era where you knew a **** was a **** but you respected and tolerated each others cuntage.
Disagree, the recent coronation and opening of parliament, some sort of sad, weird fancy dress parade from the dark ages.

Time to move on.
You know, every so often I might go into the city centre to see a mate at his shop and sometimes I'll stop and look around.

It will dawn on me how diverse the city has gotten, filled with all types of races and creeds intermingling and getting on with life.

It makes me think how remarkable that I got to witness times change from one overarching demographic to a healthy mix of several.

I smile inwardly at that.

That's the part of being British, I'm proud of.

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