What Makes You Proud To Be British?

Why should I be proud of something I did not earn or achieve? It's like being proud of winning the lottery.

If I had come here from some random country and earned the right of citizenship through hard work and good conduct, I might well be proud of that.

If we were somehow to end poverty, have the best education system in Europe, and provide housing for all who need it, I might start to feel proud of the country's achievements. With regard to history, I am neither proud nor ashamed of it. I had no agency before I was born. I did not storm the beaches on D-Day, nor did I go to Africa and enslave people.
Sums up my feelings pretty much exactly.
Surprised our most commonly-spoken and truly beautiful language isn’t on there, as it is unquestionably our most significant contribution to the world.
I agree, but those pesky Americans are doing their best to bastardize the English language.
I'm not a fan of the royals.

However one thing I find truly British is the dress up people do anytime theres a major royal celebration or commiseration.

The Brits know how to do pomp and circumstance. Makes me feel nostalgic for the era where you knew a **** was a **** but you respected and tolerated each others cuntage.
The English language, the lauguage of commerce, media, and travel of which half the worlds population speak
We invented scruffy, chavvy and common.
We invented near enough everything in the world and Birmingham and Manchester probably made it.
We invented all the worlds sports except Lacross and if we didn't invent it we wrote the rules.
We've won nearly all the battles and wars we've been involved in......

What's not to like ??
As a foreigner ( 13 years in the UK ) i have to say, i've been forever touched by the following:

- your strong attitude towards adversity
- your sarcasm and humour
- your brilliance in engineering
- your brilliant pies
- your pubs and pub culture
- the love and care you show to your parks and museums and history
- chips and gravy
- Greggs
- basically Yorkshire tea
- football and Formula 1
- the way you treat pets and animals, its very rare outside the uk.

Many many things really, but there's a couple.

You were doing fine until you fucked it by mentioning Yorkshire. Oh hang on..it would appear I identify more as Lancastrian than I do British.

The identity question is interesting, I think of myself predominantly as Northern European because despite our supposed differences, pretty much every other Northern European I've ever worked with or known (stretching the definition to include Germany, Netherlands and Belgium) also dreams of moving to a Mediterranean climate for the weather and for food that actually tastes of something, but then when they spend time there likes to moan about things like the speed and accuracy with which things happen.

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