What season was your first game?

1973 at West Ham 2-1 loss. My Uncle Oz (RIP) took me. I reapid the favour by taking Oz's grandson to see City play at Reading a couple of years ago when he was over form Australia - his first "soccer game". We lost 1-0.
Think it was 67 or 68. Lost 2 - 1 at west ham. Clyde Best and Harry twitcher Redknapp for them and Francis Lee for us. If memory serves me right but it was a long time ago. Score right, Scorers right ????
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
becomingparanoid said:
1959 I was ten and went with three mates and twin. The good old days when ten year olds could get on a bus to town walk across town to Aytoun street for the football specials and go to matches without being in danger. I haven't a clue what game but it must have been good I have been going ever since.

1956 Blackpool. Dave Ewing was man of the Match according to Steve Bruce's grandad. I was nine. You could get a bus into town, a footy special, footy special back to Piccadilly, bus home, programme and in for two bob.

Times have changed but some things never do. I have a ST in the North Stand roughly in the same place as I used to stand as a kid near the score board. I wish it was still 2 bob for the day. I feel now like I did then, full of hope and buzzing, it's taken a long time to get that feeling back.
I think my first game was in 81, so i must of been 7. Dont remember a thing other than having a numb arse because
my dad sat me on the barrier in the kippax.
Oh, and the crowd signing 'whooaaaaaa tommy tommy.....tommy hutchison'

strange what you remember as a kid...
Not sure what game it was, and my old man has passed on so I'll never know now..pah!

Important thing is....once a blue, always a blue.
Early 1970 in the 69/70 season, Derby at home. I was 8, we lost 1-0, should have known then! To this day, whenever I smell cigar smoke, it reminds me of that day. Also remember a complete stranger putting me on his shoulders for the entire first half as we stood in the Kippax. He went for a pee at half time and never came back - I must have been heavier than he thought. Nice of him to do it at all. Loved the day, despite the defeat.
Think it was about 1980. I am told i was four anyway. Remember staring over at the kippax at all the singing and bein amazed. Kind of remember joe corrigan turning the other way when we had a penalty. Maybe that was a later memory though.

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