What UEFA Coach attack Investigation?

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Exactly,could you imagine if it had been the other way round,fuck them I want these cnuts to get what’s coming to them won’t hold my breath though ...

Agreed. Keep the tread going. More importantly write to the Crime and Police Commissioners for Liverpool and Manchester.This must no be allowed to be swept under the carpet. It was and remains a disgrace. Liverpool FC, their police and fans must want justice. It is what they exist for.
Out of curiosity...

Is the Liverpool attack on our bus viewed as organized hooliganism or as a spontaneous act of violence - or perhaps is it unknown which drove the attack? Either way, it's reprehensible - but if it's organized hooliganism, I'd think that there's a much better chance of bringing the perpetrators to justice provided that law/police officials are sufficiently interested.

There is no chance whatsoever that the perpetrators will be brought to justice, organised or not
"This behaviour by a number of people who threw bottles, cans and pyrotechnics towards the bus is completely unacceptable and we will conduct enquiries to identify who was responsible and bring them to justice." said the Merseyside Police Match Commander Superintendent referring to the attack on the Manchester City coach the day after the match. Video evidence was then requested which was readily obtainable through the BBC, major newspapers and social media soon after the occurrence.

Since then no one has been brought to justice. The general responses have been that "investigations are ongoing" and "we are not able to comment further". Freedom of Information enquiries have, to all intents and purposes, been bureaucratically and technically dismissed with bland, meaningless replies. Requests for information to various parties were initially ignored and then met with equally dismissive standard responses. And, what is the Mayor for Greater Manchester, who also has responsibility for Police and Crime, doing about this pre-meditated, planned, publicised, publicly executed and recorded attack on Manchester citizens, in collaboration with his counterpart in Merseyside?

It is an absolute disgrace.
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