What Will Our New Signings Make Of Manchester?

I was born in Manchester but parents moved to Brighton when i was 4, every year through the 70s i was dragged back to Manchester kicking and screaming to join my grandad in the whit week walks...
Manchester in the 70s was like the dark ages compared to Brighton and my grandad lived in Langley middleton so with my sarfern accent i was picked on by the local hooligans..
Manchester now though compared to then is a huge improvement.
First of all, for £100k - £150k a week, i'd happily live anywhere, literally.

As for the signings, well as already been stated, they will live in the lovely surrounding areas in Cheshire and the likes, so the closest they'll get to experiencing Manchester will most likely be the odd night out in town and obviously playing at COMS. Manchester as a city centre is fantastic in my opinion. I say this because there were no deaths, but the IRA did us a huge favour in 1996 as that street now, culminating in the print works and triangle area is a sight to see on a sunny day. That giant screen on, people chilling and milling around, the printworks in all its glory, selfridges etc. Its lovely and no more so than in winter when the markets are on. I think our signings will be most impressed with what the city centre has to offer. Put another way, I can think much more of a worse life than living in leafy cheshire, pocketing £100k a week, driving nice cars and having a city like ours just 30 mins away.
The centre is garbage. Too busy, cant go 10 mins without someone trying to scrape money from you. Architecture is grim (not all of it) . People walk far too slowly. Public transport is overpriced and unreliable. etc etc.
Some people always think the grass is greener....

Good quality restaurants and shops

Top venues to see bands/artists

High quality museums

Great pubs

Stunning countryside only a short drive away

House prices provide good VFM
Neil McNab said:
Having lived in Manchester for over 30 years I can only describe it as a shit hole, there isn't a part of the inner City I wouldn't knock down. I've lived in Altrincham and Didsbury and both were vermin infested shit holes. Yaya, Silva etc. commute as far as you can!

Obviously shit holes ........ shit hole enough for millionaires to lay their heads. Infact many multi millionaires - several whom adourn the blue shirt every week ............ oooh and the current manager.
Pigeonho said:
First of all, for £100k - £150k a week, i'd happily live anywhere, literally.

As for the signings, well as already been stated, they will live in the lovely surrounding areas in Cheshire and the likes, so the closest they'll get to experiencing Manchester will most likely be the odd night out in town and obviously playing at COMS. Manchester as a city centre is fantastic in my opinion. I say this because there were no deaths, but the IRA did us a huge favour in 1996 as that street now, culminating in the print works and triangle area is a sight to see on a sunny day. That giant screen on, people chilling and milling around, the printworks in all its glory, selfridges etc. Its lovely and no more so than in winter when the markets are on. I think our signings will be most impressed with what the city centre has to offer. Put another way, I can think much more of a worse life than living in leafy cheshire, pocketing £100k a week, driving nice cars and having a city like ours just 30 mins away.
Would you live by yourself in outer-mongolia, with no one to spend time with and no where to spend all off your money?
samharris said:
I was born in Manchester but parents moved to Brighton when i was 4, every year through the 70s i was dragged back to Manchester kicking and screaming to join my grandad in the whit week walks...
Manchester in the 70s was like the dark ages compared to Brighton and my grandad lived in Langley middleton so with my sarfern accent i was picked on by the local hooligans..
Manchester now though compared to then is a huge improvement.

you prefered brighton to manchester are you gay sam ?
r.soleofsalford said:
samharris said:
I was born in Manchester but parents moved to Brighton when i was 4, every year through the 70s i was dragged back to Manchester kicking and screaming to join my grandad in the whit week walks...
Manchester in the 70s was like the dark ages compared to Brighton and my grandad lived in Langley middleton so with my sarfern accent i was picked on by the local hooligans..
Manchester now though compared to then is a huge improvement.

you prefered brighton to manchester are you gay sam ?

Who dear,me dear,gay dear,no dear. :)

Oh btw..gay pride Manchester is bigger than gay pride brighton..so the question is..are you ?

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