What Will Our New Signings Make Of Manchester?

I'm absolutely aghast at some of the descriptions of Manchester above! Doesn't sound like the city I know, but then again the world is how you see it.
I've lived in a few cities in the UK (and travel up and down the country) and we have it pretty good up here. There is, in my opinion, no rival outside the capital and it's striding ahead of anything close to be called competition. A few previous recessions knocked the city even further into itself, but this one has but slightly dented it's enormous pride.

It's probably about time it realised it's global ambitions but that may take another generation.
I'm fairly sure the usual suspects of European cities mentioned in comparison (completely different kettle of fish mind you) have far less to do than our own city (a wealth of restaurants, museums, theatres...not forgetting it's sporting legacies).

In summary, a great place to live...and increasingly a great place to visit.

Cheshire is one of the wealthiest in the land...it's just not next to the 'londoncentric massive' and therefore not described in hideous terms as a 'home county'....bleurghhh...

But would most footballers take advantage of what we have on offer...or are they quite happy with their 500 inch LED/LCD/Plasma (if they did their research) pumping out the latest XBOX 360 offering, whilst MTV base emanates from their underfloor '3D' heating system...

Grim architecture? Still aghast...!
Blue Phil said:
Pigeonho said:
First of all, for £100k - £150k a week, i'd happily live anywhere, literally.

As for the signings, well as already been stated, they will live in the lovely surrounding areas in Cheshire and the likes, so the closest they'll get to experiencing Manchester will most likely be the odd night out in town and obviously playing at COMS. Manchester as a city centre is fantastic in my opinion. I say this because there were no deaths, but the IRA did us a huge favour in 1996 as that street now, culminating in the print works and triangle area is a sight to see on a sunny day. That giant screen on, people chilling and milling around, the printworks in all its glory, selfridges etc. Its lovely and no more so than in winter when the markets are on. I think our signings will be most impressed with what the city centre has to offer. Put another way, I can think much more of a worse life than living in leafy cheshire, pocketing £100k a week, driving nice cars and having a city like ours just 30 mins away.
Would you live by yourself in outer-mongolia, with no one to spend time with and no where to spend all off your money?
Yes, cos I could get my private jet and go anywhere I want, including the local brass house in inner Mongolia!
Manchester is a wonderful city and I agree with the "grass is greener" comment. I lived in the promised land, Australia (Melbourne), and found it bland, boring, and soulless compared to Manchester. Manchester has an incredible mix of modern and classic architecture that sits side by side in a way that doesn't seem odd, whereas some cities are just soulless glass skyscrapers. Manchester also has friendly people (not all of course, but there is a down-to-earthness among regular people here that I felt was lacking in Australia) and great culture and history. People focus too much on the weather (which isn't that bad) and the gloomy areas but there are just as many nice areas and the picturesque countryside is only ever a drive away.
makes me laugh, people that mock or criticise manchester. sure, it's not beautiful, compared to barcelona, rome, paris etc but it does compare to london - only on a much smaller scale, of course. only we're cooler. i wouldn't live anywhere else.
Blue Lloyd said:
I doubt they will ever see much of it whilst they are here but you never know? Living out in leafy areas of Cheshire they only have to get to Eastlands & Carrington although a few might hit the city centre.

It's become a funny place in some repects though. The City centre is as good as any in the country yet travel a few miles out and parts of it are sadly socially deprived. When I was a kid though the city centre was a dour, dirty place in my opinion. The change is amazing. It's far, far better than Birmingham, Sheffield or Leeds and Liverpool all cities I've spent plenty of time in.

Amen to that, brother.
Manchester is a great fucking city. We have nothing to be embarrassed about whatsoever - can't stand those who sell us short. The vibe, culture, amenities, shopping, people, history... all very rich and comparable to most other cities in Europe. The place has a soul. All it lacks is the weather.
Project said:
Manchester is a great fucking city. We have nothing to be embarrassed about whatsoever - can't stand those who sell us short. The vibe, culture, amenities, shopping, people, history... all very rich and comparable to most other cities in Europe. The place has a soul. All it lacks is the weather.

I would agree, with one exception - in my 50-odd years Manchester has never got Piccadilly "right" IMO. It always looks a haphazard unplanned mess to me. Not a shithole - though Piccadilly Gardens has managed to come close at times - just a mish-mash of poor design and planning.

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