
i'm 38, started watching about 1980, to me, my age group has had the worse of it being a city fan. Too young to remember the 76 league cup win and have just witnessed utter shit all my life, i waited a long time for that win. blamed my dad on many an occassion for making me blue and the untold misery that came with it. then....

i sit on the bottom row of the top teir. i was on my knees with my head against the bar when Dzeko scored, i feared, no thought, it was too late. Sat back on my seat when the passage of play started that led to 'the goal', when the ball went to ballo i rose to my feet, as the ball went through to sergio i put my hand on my Dads shoulder who had also stood up. as the ball hit the net my dad turned round and grabbed me in a vice like grip, i was screaming 'we've done it, we've done it' and the tears between us came.

Until i saw the highlights later i didnt have a clue what 'the goal' was like, what led up to it, nothing. Having watched it twice a week since it is embedded in my memory.
I posted this on another City forum the day after the amazing Sunday. All this is true and as someone has already said, they get sppoked by it. I still cannot get me head round it, but then again I had no idea it had got to 2-2. Here's my story:

Alright, no-one likes a long self-indulgent thread, but if you want to read, please do. It’s cathartic for me to write it as I can’t get my head around yesterday at all.

From the outside, listening in:

OK, we drove up from Coventry and arrived outside the ground at about 1. I and a mate have SCs. I brought my wife and daughter with me and a wad of cash for any willing sellers. There were none, not at least as far as I could see. My strategy was to wait until 3 and see if anyone would be offering anything at a decent price. Great strategy. My mate went in at 2.50. There were a few thousand outside and it was obvious that my brilliant strategic plan had fucked up in my face. I then made the biggest decision of my life and gave my SC to my daughter. She’s 17. I love her more than the world itself, so I couldn’t not do it. Anyway, I didn’t fancy the 2 of them outside. The crowd was clearly made up of decent people, but I couldn’t just leave them both. She was crying as she went in. That was enough for me and set me off on my rollercoaster afternoon.

The game kicked off and the missus and I milled down to the QPR end and sat on the seats outside K entrance. There was an odd roar and I thought that QPR had scored. The slow roar turned out to be QPR fans realising Stoke were winning. We walked back to City Square where there were a few people round iPads. Surreal. It dawned on me to check out my Skygo app on my phone and bugger me, it worked. A few of us huddled around the small screen and saw the action, only spoiled by a 1 minute delay! Zabs goal was a bit weird. It was not an explosion of noise, more a sort of slow build up of noise. I worked that out when I saw it was a dribbler of a goal and not a net bulger, more of a sort of slow-realisation of a goal.

Half-time. Spoke to me old man who was in Level 2. ‘Pissing it, Michael, QPR have no ambition’. Great, way to jinx it, Dad.
They equalized. It was a smaller roar, so I was totally sure who had scored. Some clowns started singing ‘Championees’. That stopped sharpish upon confirmation from a steward that it was 1-1. Shit, fucking shit. Believe it or not, I figured out there was a red card by the noises emanating from the stadium. A roar, lengthy anger and booing gave it away. I notice a woman peering in through the slats, she was waving both arms in a ‘Goodbye’ motion. Twitter confirmed the red, with the missus checking that fucking thing every 8 seconds.

We started to walk back towards K entrance. Coppers were telling us to clear the area as the club wanted everyone away. Whatever. I said we were going back to car at St Brigid’s school car park. As we trudged away, it went 1-2. That knowing away support roar. I heard a copper say, ‘That’s 2-1, it’ll kick off now’. The walk became slow and desperate. Passed a silent Mary D’s, utterly lost and disconsolate. We couldn’t speak. Horrible. Back in the car, 15 minutes left. We listened for 7 or 8 minutes before turning off and driving to a spot virtually outside Mary D’s, figuring Graham and Clare would be solemnly trudging back any time soon. I parked facing away from the stadium. What followed was something I’ve never seen before and maybe never will.

There was this noise. It’s hard to articulate what it sounded like. There were maybe 300 people suddenly out of the street, literally screaming. It was almost primeval, animal, crazy. I could see it all in my wing mirror. I got out of the car with a sense of fear, initially. I mean, WTF was going on. There were people yelling, hugging, dancing and wailing. Raw emotion, utterly bizarre. I told the missus that 2-2 was no good. Then I thought maybe Sunderland had scored. What I did know was that these were people going mad for a very special reason and hope suddenly welled up. One bloke ran by screaming ‘3 fucking 2’. On went the radio! Well, you know the rest. Some random stranger, City fan, stopped and asked what was going on. I didn’t know what to do or say as I’d just sort of lost it in the space of 30 seconds. The next sound was the commentator screaming that we’d won. The missus kept pointing at Twitter, saying that it was still 2-2. Me and said random bloke danced and screamed. People came out of the houses, people fell out of Mary D’s. You had to see it, it was like carnage in the street. Some bloke had a bottle of champagne, spraying it from his balcony. Madness. Wonderful. Unforgettable.

The 2 ticketed ones returned about 45 minutes later. Clare said that she had been hugged and kissed by hundreds. She was born a blue. She was 4 when the wife and I went to the Gillingham game. Now she understands why this club mean to me what they do. After those two ladies, City are it.

Got back at about 7.45 and watched the goal for the first time. I just sat and cried. Then went out a got pissed. Tonight I’ve got it all to come. Watch the game for the first time, Jeff and the boys (recorded both full programmes), MOTD and some You Tube shit I’ve collected today. Oh, and the parade.

This club are amazing. They are a cult. Unique.

So, I was there. Kind of. 3 season tickets next year. Absolutely.

Any other stories?

Just cheered for City and Kun. Couldn't do much else as everyone else was asleep in my house(live in US, west coast). But to be honest I didn't feel all that surprised, I EXPECTED us to win now that I think about it. Because throughout last season I would see us make comebacks and score the majority of our goals in the second half, so you could say I got used to it. So yeah, cheered for Kun as he is the reason that I started getting into football and more importantly got me into Manchester City.
I didn't do anything. I was in a pub in Durham with the scum game on one telly and us on the other. After mackie scored i apparently just sank into a huge depression, which became 'typical fucking city' when dzeko scored. When Aguero's shot went in, the entire pub erupted (i was with a norwich fan, a leeds fan, a couple of newcastle fans, some sunderland fans, a couple of dippers and a rangers fan - they all went mental). I've been told i just sat there in shock before bursting into tears. Greatest day of my life.
i was in a pub in clapham common surrounded by a bunch of arsenal, spurs a few qpr fans and about 2 other city fans...the utd fans were slighly infront of me and were going mad at 2-1......i was just sat there willing something to happen....at 2-2 i jumped up and punches the air...the first table of beer was sent flying but it was still restrained.....

when sergio scored i jumped up so fast and moved so far to the other 2 city fans across the other side of the room i think i knocked over about 4 tables but noone complained...i literally grabbed hold of the two random strangers and began to twirl them around in circles....other fans just stood in disbelief except the qpr fans who were also celebrating....the utd lads were just sat gutted in disbelief and then quickly left....i then sat there on the edge of a table for about the next 45 mins with the pub slowly emptying except me, starring in disbelief at what i had just seen..

wish i had been there or at least been with some other city fans i knew but ah well...still an amazing day
Manchester_City_Blue said:
I vaguely remember asking several people 'is this really happening'. Tears, hugging my parents and mate, dancing, singing.
Haha you're not in 219 are you? After flying down the steps and nearly going over the barrier someone grabbed me and shouted this in my face. I then kissed the women in the opposite block and told the bloke behind that he was a miserable bastard! Then I collapsed on the ground in a wreck.
Re: "We've won the league!"

Mad Eyed Screamer said:
I watched it for the first time in 2 weeks the other day, still had the neck hairs / shiver down the spine feeling when it hits the back of the net.....

Fantastic and will always be special, but it is now confined to the history books. I was alive when we won it in 1968 and I sincerely hope we don't have to wait till 2056 to win it again!! Unbelievable that prospect, buts thats also how it was viewed way back in 1968!! Also without sounding like Nostradamus I can assure you all I'll be watching City in 2056 from another place lol!!

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