sat on sopha in me city shirt viewing these forums drinking tea and nervous bout tonight.

get butterflys thinkin bout it... ffs roll on 11am so i can fuckiin pub
Sat in my office with my City shirt on ( sod the shirt and tie today) really nervous waiting for 3 oclock then off for a drink. COME ON CITY,
Playing a bit of online poker, trying to take my mind off tonight - then driving down to Manchester ready to shout loudly!

I am shitting it
Sat on sofa, obv with laptop and watching sky sports news.... nervous as fuck with everything crossed, you'd have thought we would have learnt to cope with our pre-match nerves...suppose that comes with being a 40 year old city supporter
tommyducks said:
Ja Salford Blue said:
Sat in work pissed off, having just been told that I have got to take a 10% salary reduction!

But come on City, you can make it all good again!
Dilemma. Would you keep the 10% and have us lose, or sacrifice the waffa and have more money?

Fuck the money! City win all day!

I'll sell my kidneys if I get really stuck
Just setting off for work - going in late but cant get off til 5, then meeting the lads for a quick beer and making our way to the ground.
Sitting in work, rough as toast (anti biotics). Shitting it about telling the boss i'm off to Manchester after she has told me I have to do a full day before taking leave, i'm only going to do a half day and hope for the best. Aparently you can't take leave after a spell of sickness. Ive made the effort to haul my ill arse in today, I hope she understands. Also wondering what is the best way of telling her? Email? Shouting across the office? hmm
Well being a Danish Hamburg fan in exile (my wife is British) I am very excited about the first Hamburg match I will watch in this country. I have the day off, enjoying a few hours with my little two year old son (who will be Hamburg fan as well obviously) and will set off to Manchester around 12ish (I live approximately a 3-4 Hours drive away).

I know It's going to be a tough game but I hope we will make it. I think it's going to be a 2-1 for City or 2-2 oreven 3-3. I guess that Jol will bring Petric and Olic first and Guerrero for Olic when there is around 30-35min back of the game. Petric and Olic are both going to strike tonight, I can feel it. It's an amazing season for our side so far so all the Hamburg fans are very enthusiastic.

I presume the best place to park is sport city is that correct? There should be regularly buses to the city from there.

Have a good game guys.


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