What's the most shocking thing you've seen?

legging it outside a pub after seeing my mate being dragged out thinking he was about to get a kicking to be confronted by a girl lay on the pavement with her throat slit a stab wound in her neck and another in her chest still pumping blood all over the place.

she died right in front of us. That was fucking awful.
seeing a protest camp in Bahrain literally missiled to fuck whilst they were all asleep, there were people running away and they just kept on firing missiles.
When I was a teenager I was sat on a train and the guy next to me pulled out some tin foil and started "chasing the dragon" (which I had recently seen a World In Action documentary about) bold as brass like it was the most normal thing in the world to be smoking heroin on a commuter train.

I was pretty shocked at that. Not a lot surprises me these days.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
When I was a teenager I was sat on a train and the guy next to me pulled out some tin foil and started "chasing the dragon" (which I had recently seen a World In Action documentary about) bold as brass like it was the most normal thing in the world to be smoking heroin on a commuter train.

I was pretty shocked at that. Not a lot surprises me these days.

Then you must be so glad that you did not know me as a teen! I can hardly remember being 17!
anymore than 2sheiks said:
Recently, I showed my wife footage of one of those Iraq hostage be-headings. She was really upset and couldn't sleep properly for days. I think for me, it has to be that poor little Chinese girl being run over and ignored by everyone.

Why would you do that mate ? most blokes let alone women would be disturbed watching that guff.
To be honest thats one of the most stupid things i have ever heard.

A guy did that to me at my old work by sticking his phone in my face whilst that poor russian soldier has his head held down whilst nasty things happen.

It affected me also, had to go home from work. I was in some sort of shock i think asd i felt blank and became slow to react to people.
This is a guy used to watching most crap on the net, i never forgave him and eventually stoppd even talking to the guy who was a good mate.

I just can't imagine why you would show someone them stupid vids unless your a 15yo scally.
Don't have to many more brain farts please op.

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