Whats your plans for Weds 10th Nov - D Day

GStar said:
All you can eat Chinese.

Mandatory on such occasions.

Train from Scouseville at 2pm, buffet, Northern Quarter to avoid queues I think. Couple of pints of Guinness, the odd Leffe, a Franziskoner, an Erdinger, maybe a Paulaner, a few quid in the jukebox in Fringe, then just about in the mood.
I don't know what time we're leaving Winchester at, but I'll be nervous up until getting my lift. Then it'll be nerves in the car all the way up. I'll be nervous getting in, then nervous before kick off, probably looking at every single one of their players and thinking 'I bet he'll score today'. If they score first, I'll be crying inside. If we score, I'll be thinking 'how long until that ginger twat, or Giggs equalises'. I'll be a bag of nerves right up to full time. If we lose, I'll be devastated, and won't come on here for a few days because of all the wankers. If we win I'll be grinning like a fucking moron for days, and everyone in work will get an easy time of it the week after.
Attend meetings all morning, then home then something to eat then head out. Can every one do me a favour and keep quiet at half time, as i'm letting the lads know i won't be going to work after the game as i feel like shit and am going to bed. Remember ssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
DD said:
GStar said:
All you can eat Chinese.

Mandatory on such occasions.

Train from Scouseville at 2pm, buffet, Northern Quarter to avoid queues I think. Couple of pints of Guinness, the odd Leffe, a Franziskoner, an Erdinger, maybe a Paulaner, a few quid in the jukebox in Fringe, then just about in the mood.

Think we'll be in Number 1 on Whitworth Street mate.

mcfcliam said:
Fuck Kro...you wanna get in D's where the atmosphere is and for your pint of foam!

An offer i can't resist... I do love wet trainers and a good pint o' bubbles!

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