When you die, are you really dead ?

I'm not going to go all the way through the other posts since I last posted in here so i'm sorry if it's been covered.

I don't claim to be correct but had understood that the drug DMT simulates the release of chemicals in your brain that would be released at death. This would explain the feeling of peace and maybe seeing loved ones in those moments? My views are probably simplistic but I would have hoped that if there was an afterlife of some form, then some of my deceased loved ones might have tried to communicate in some way.

This is just my view and I have no issue with anyone who does believe in an afterlife. I would be happy if there was, i'm just not convinced at all.
How can we know that once were dead were dead. The body is dead so we bury or cremate it. Our use for it has come to an end. It has been worn out, like any other physical object, nothing lasts for ever.

Conciousnesss. We don’t know what it is. Only that it makes us aware of our surroundings, awake, alive in our body. He never regained consciousness and was pronounced dead So what happens after can never be proved because without the body we cannot communicate with those who are still living. However, I look at it this way, that maybe, just maybe, our souls, spirit, or conciousness move to a different dimension. We change channels if you like. We are no longer visible to the living because we are as they say, in the spirit world. On a different plain. I don’t believe in heaven or hell though. The world, nature, wildlife the oceans everything is set up so perfectly. Or at least it was until we humans got greedy. We cannot see ghosts I know, but think how many other things are moving around our solar system that we are unable to see.

Mobile phone conversations. Text messages, Photos, videos, all sorts of other media we are surrounded by it. Viruses, tiny single cell organisms. Diseases, we cannot see them but they certainly Live amongst us.

I listened to this today as recommended by an earlier post. Its about his daughter Natasha who died on an aircraft travelling to Nice. She only ate a sandwich at the airport. Listen to him. You may have to copy and paste the link into your browser.


Happy New year.

You just have to break through at speed
I know a lot about brain damage,i dream in vivid HD now,sometimes i can't tell if i imagined something or not,sometimes i can stare at words and still can't "see" it,i blurt out my first thoughts in the absense of a proper filter and many other things,i am leaving my brain to science so i had better be dead or maybe by then they can hook me up to a machine and i can live without my body,in 20 yrs time maybe we don't die at all

You'll still manage to break something you clumsy cow. : )

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