Where do we start

I'm not sure if even Rascal fancies endorsement by the Chinese Communist Party.
I'm sure he doesn't. But his thoughts is exactly the same with the most pro-ccp part of the Chinese population's. I can find the same speech/post in some Chinese online forum/chat group everyday.
For me, I have the same idea and I'm pro-ccp. I'm not a member of ccp by the way.
Not going to change anyone's thoughts, just speak it out what I see, because I find it is interesting, really interesting.
It's quite interesting how many people think the far left/marxism is anything left of centre left. Starting to sound a bit like yanks in that regard, the average person on the street that is.

Not sure where to start, but looking at profiteering in water management, profiteering in power, the price of food, the amount of food banks there are, big companies not paying tax, The NHS would be a start. I'm not political genius, I'm just a normal person who thinks the playing field should be a bit more even and seek to make the country as a whole a bit happier, whilst not scapegoating people fleeing from war, europe, single mothers, people of disability or benefits and so forth.

Oh yeah, and definitely look into Fleet Street once in power. Mainly for their client journalism but also their shoddy biased sports journos.
I suspect your definition of working man is rather different to mine and to statistical mean income levels in this country.

The fact that the ISA allowance has not increased for a number of years does not concern most people.

why should it increrease when the PAYE personal allowance has not increased. Everyone who earns money is affected by this, only those who can afford an extra £20K spare cash per yer every year are affected by the ISA limit. And you presumably know that they have just been increased by 25% (an extra £5,000) if you are willing to invest in 'UK shares'.

So once again, unearned income and the rich get favourable treatment as against the working man
Non-PAYE income is a difficult area because that income almost always involves assets and not cash. Rich people do not rely upon cash income to fund their lifestyles, instead they will borrow money against their assets.

A millionaire could potentially buy a house outright for example but funding that by selling another asset such as company shares would be a bad idea because of the tax implications. Instead they could take out a mortgage and pay the mortgage with an asset acting as collateral. The only thing that matters then is the appreciation of the asset and then one day the house becomes owned and it is irrelevant.

The richest people in the world are not cash rich, they're asset rich and therefore have easy access to borrowed money. How you tax that is a really difficult question. It's even more difficult when you consider that the richest are also the most globally mobile so any tax you could implement will be easily avoided by moving elsewhere.
I agree pal and that does not happen often does it.

The state of our armed forces is a disgrace, my nephew joined the RAF, trained to be a Helicopter fixer, did two tours in Ahfganistan, came home and due to defence cuts was laid off, he loved his job, wanted to do the full term, instead he did 6 years. His training was wasted, he is a good lad too, hard working and loved serving his country. I am really proud of him. Loads like him were laid off and now our armed forces are shit. It should be a matter of national pride that we have good armed forces, properly equipped with the best available gear.

Old lefties like me have always supported strong armed forces, sadly Liberals and Tories saw the fall of the Berlin Wall as a reason to cut funding and use the money to give tax cuts.

We mostly agree on outcomes mate, just don’t always agree on how to get there ;)

We took full advantage of the peace dividend but sadly the cuts have continued. We have the quality we need to get the depth back. This country needs to rearm, putting a marker down the rest of NATO in the process. I expect we will keep our heads in the sand and point to Sweden and Finland and say how much stronger NATO is now but I don’t see where Europe has enough depth for a drawn out conflict with Russia who will throw anything in to the meat grinder.

The gamble is clearly Russia won’t do anything and Trump (if he were to win) won’t change anything.
1 - read my post, I'm talking about the working man, hence earned income
2 - I'm aware, however that allowance hasn't increased in a number of years
3 - Again, I'm aware, but there are share categories (ie fractions of shares) which cannot be held in ISA's, and (I may be wrong here I'm no expert) provide access to blue chip shares at a lower cost, hence would be attractive to small investors. Your idea would penalise the "poorest" of investors using earned money to try and improve their lot, as well as those wealthy enough to be in a position to invest above the 20k annual limit.

Dividend income from shares can be compared to interest in that it's the way your money grows (along with share price obviously, which can go both ways) so at best I would agree such income should be taxed the same as bank interest with the same allowances, I would argue however that as investing is both more risky than savings, and more benefit to the economy, that taxation should be less onerous

Interest isn’t your money growing, it’s your money “being worth less than it is today, albeit worth more than if you left it under your mattress” but masquerades as growth.

And they charge you tax for the privilege!!
Interest isn’t your money growing, it’s your money “being worth less than it is today, albeit worth more than if you left it under your mattress” but masquerades as growth.

And they charge you tax for the privilege!!
your money is growing (in quantity) although for the most part decreasing in amount
Interest isn’t your money growing, it’s your money “being worth less than it is today, albeit worth more than if you left it under your mattress” but masquerades as growth.

And they charge you tax for the privilege!!

I prefer the mattrass form of saving, not for flat earth reasons but for rebellious ones :)

In the small world I live in, cash will always be king.

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