Where do we start

With the general election on the horizon where will the winning party start to put this Country right. There is so much wrong what in your opinions should be one of the first to fix.

first thing a Labour Govt should do is tell us all how much they have left in the kitty dept by dept ( God knows they have played on "that note" in the treasury drawer over 15 years ) and set a realistic scene for a rebuild - if they tell people say domestic care has £15 in the kitty it sets the scene as to how they are restricted in the first Parliament spend. Also stops the Tories on their " wasteful Labour Govt bankrupting the country" bollocks. Shoot their fox before they let it run.
Collect Tax properly - stop allowing the very rich to take the piss and make them pay their share
Get back the money wasted/stolen on the Tories watch
Put people behind bars where they have defrauded the public purse (I mean people like Michelle Mone and all the other grifters who have had their snouts in the trough
Pardon the subpostmasters en masse, pay them the back the money stolen from them with interest, and pay them proper compensation. Withhold pension from Vennels and Co and put her and the others that lied to parliament and the public inquiry behind bars
Get some proper watchdogs (or bring back the effective ones that the Tories sacked)
Set proper performance standards for water and utilities companies and rail companies and anyone receiving a government contract. Make the standards so tough so that we either see the efficiency of the private sector working for us, or we renationalise these industries cheaply because there is much less profit when the job is done properly.
Sort out strikes by paying doctors, nurses, teachers and railway workers a fair increase instead of spending more money subsidising the cost and losses caused by the strikes.
Reverse Tory tax cuts in this budget and increase the personal allowance by inflation so everyone gets the same benefit, rather than tax cuts that benefit the rich more.
With the general election on the horizon where will the winning party start to put this Country right. There is so much wrong what in your opinions should be one of the first to fix.
My understanding is the Labour party have said sorting out NHS dental treatment is first on the list.
Get some proper watchdogs (or bring back the effective ones that the Tories sacked)
Set proper performance standards for water and utilities companies and rail companies and anyone receiving a government contract. Make the standards so tough so that we either see the efficiency of the private sector working for us, or we renationalise these industries cheaply because there is much less profit when the job is done properly

Lots of valid points in your post and whilst an incoming Labour govt isn't going to renationlise any time soon actually improving and backing regulatory bodies to hold firms properly accountable would be a good way to signpost to the electorate that they are not simply identical to the Tories in terms of whose interests they represent.
Agree but shame neither party is standing on a platform to do this. Both want an American style system and are running the NHS into the ground. Wes steering is possibly even more right wing than a Tory health minister
NHS reform from top to bottom and stopping the greedy conglomerate companies and gas/electric companies from making ridiculous profits.
Collect Tax properly - stop allowing the very rich to take the piss and make them pay their share
Get back the money wasted/stolen on the Tories watch
Put people behind bars where they have defrauded the public purse (I mean people like Michelle Mone and all the other grifters who have had their snouts in the trough
Pardon the subpostmasters en masse, pay them the back the money stolen from them with interest, and pay them proper compensation. Withhold pension from Vennels and Co and put her and the others that lied to parliament and the public inquiry behind bars
Get some proper watchdogs (or bring back the effective ones that the Tories sacked)
Set proper performance standards for water and utilities companies and rail companies and anyone receiving a government contract. Make the standards so tough so that we either see the efficiency of the private sector working for us, or we renationalise these industries cheaply because there is much less profit when the job is done properly.
Sort out strikes by paying doctors, nurses, teachers and railway workers a fair increase instead of spending more money subsidising the cost and losses caused by the strikes.
Reverse Tory tax cuts in this budget and increase the personal allowance by inflation so everyone gets the same benefit, rather than tax cuts that benefit the rich more.
And capital gains tax should be higher than income tax. Much higher.
I think it's irrelevant who is in charge and the biggest problem is one of attitude of the entire country. We seem to be dominated by hate and there is just no togetherness. People just seem to want their own way and alternative opinions are not appreciated. Even media outlets are despised by these warring tribes because they do not output 'the truth' as believed by the all knowing. I do not know anyone who objects to peaceful protest but I know shitloads of people who object to non peaceful protests. Look at Brexit, we had a vote but apparently people voted wrongly and need to be re-educated (why not just campaign for another vote rather than carrying on the hate fest)? Hate, yes hate, lies at our decline, I think people enjoy hating, they convince themselves their hate is justified. I watched 'the Last Czar' on Netflix over the last week, this culminates in the communist overthrow of the evil (incompetent) Romanov dynasty. Happy days you might think. No, it ends with the communists shooting the Tsar and Tsarina to death in a cellar and then using bayonets to finish off the five Romanov children. Just hate replacing hate.
A very good start would be to instigate Leveson 2 and sort out the corrupt media. The media create 95% of hatred and disaffection. The Daily Mail, GB News and their ilk are nihilists who want to destroy society and civilisation so their buddies can enjoy more power and less taxation.

(There is more chance of Starmer putting on a Lenin hat and climbing Nelson's Column with a big red flag.)

The tax system needs a complete overall to make it more rational and cut the 1001 ways of dodging tax. I would make a start - but only a start - by making cash-in-hand work illegal.

ID cards for all. Negotiate with the EU for reciprocal use as passports in Europe. Make it mandatory for them to be recorded by employers and all services such as the NHS. No ID card, no access to employment or services.

Prosecute all the corrupt cunts who have stolen public money during the last 14 years. Don't jail them, make them repay every penny with interest plus a heavy fine on top.

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