"Where were you when you were s***?"

Re: "Where were you when you were shit?"

RyantheBlue said:
I knew this'd get sung to us this season
Quite frankly I couldn't give a shit, I was there when we were shit!
I was part of that 3007 :) Was my first game :D

snap.......but wondered why i had bothered sat there on my todd freezing but hey thats blues for ya
Re: "Where were you when you were shit?"

tueartsboots said:
I live in London, wore my shirt with pride-have had cheers, jeers, laughs, " who are yas" - I've smiled !! Fear is throught-Millwall want us to slaughter Chelsea (CFCnibs where are you? Lol)
From Wythenshawe and 40 before dickheads starts

from the reservation and proud of it.

dear god

Re: "Where were you when you were shit?"

Crewelad said:
Wolves fan here - our support was simply typical of a newly promoted team enjoying their rmoment in the sun. You will get a lot more of this sort of stuff, its not really merited and by and large 90% of fans would accept you deserve whats happening more than anyone else.

Its just on the day you try to hit a nerve, justified / true or not. Fans have short memories (certainly ours do), I have been at Molineux countless times in the Championship when 1500 away fans have oustung 20000 home fans because its about expectation. Yesterday you expected to beat us and you did. Hard for your support to get over excited against the likes of us, easy for us to get over excited against the likes of you. Its great being underdog!!

So, apologies for the bollox singing, especially the Manure bits, we hate them too, its just the wind up on the day to try to unsettle the opposition.

what doesnt kill you make you stronger ;)
Re: "Where were you when you were shit?"

Crewelad said:
Wolves fan here - our support was simply typical of a newly promoted team enjoying their rmoment in the sun. You will get a lot more of this sort of stuff, its not really merited and by and large 90% of fans would accept you deserve whats happening more than anyone else.

Its just on the day you try to hit a nerve, justified / true or not. Fans have short memories (certainly ours do), I have been at Molineux countless times in the Championship when 1500 away fans have oustung 20000 home fans because its about expectation. Yesterday you expected to beat us and you did. Hard for your support to get over excited against the likes of us, easy for us to get over excited against the likes of you. Its great being underdog!!

So, apologies for the bollox singing, especially the Manure bits, we hate them too, its just the wind up on the day to try to unsettle the opposition.

No need for apologies for the "where were you" I thought it was funny, appart from the elephant song, your fans were really good, really loud and vocal.
Re: Where were you when you were shit

I'm afraid this is the type of bollocks we are going to have to put up with this year boys.
Re: Where were you when you were shit

That actually made me laugh. I never thought I would see the day when opposition fans would imply that we used to be shit but no longer are.
ConnorMCFC said:
Very small time. They were singing United! Very classy that one. Would love to see the back of them.

I couldnt and wouldn't ever sing that (United) - I gather it was in response to walsall taunts however.

where were you when you were **** was sang by some City fans at Wolves first I am told, so it was simply sang back.

There again I wasn't there so you can tell me otherwise.

We all have small-time small minded supporters Connor. Its all about banter and City certainly give plenty of it on their travels.

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