Where you watching the Derby ?

Otters, marple, we will be outnumbered due to blues going to the game and rags..... well you know the answer to that. As always we will be in all day and night win, lose or draw
Working :( Going to record it and see if I can get home without knowing the score. Doubt it though.
North West Quadrant level two surrounded no doubt by day trippers. Not sure how I am going to cope alone.
Because there's only one pub in Leipzig with Skytv and the f+++in rugby's on, I'll be watching the game at a friend's place, accompanied by a Liverpool fan, a Coventry fan and a Spurs fan.
At home.
Cant stand watching City in a bar against anyone cause there is always some knob spouting shite, but the derby if i cant be there then in the confort of my own home with 20 regal king size in front of me and a bottle or two of Bow stops me getting scooped for twatting a rag cnut (& then hammered cause the bar is full of the scum)
In my local in Durham no doubt surrounded by Mackems, but no rags thank F---k. I hate the day feel sick to the stomach until its over

Hark now the CITY

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