Who are your favourite foreign clubs?

Pigeonho said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Not looking for an argument but these lunatics you talk of our basically facists, bordering on neo-nazi that run the club by use of scare tactics and fear
I know, and whilst i'm not a neo-nazi or a facist myself, I found the documentary on them fascinating to say the least. I tried listing 3 contrasting reasons why I liked those 3 clubs. Mallorca - passionate fans
Lazio - mentalist fans
Torino - on a par with City in the early 90's.

Well in fairness i was a fan of them until that documentary. I mean football is a lifestyle to me but for them its just everything to the point where they will destroy them if they do something they dont agree with. Its unbelievable
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Pigeonho said:
I know, and whilst i'm not a neo-nazi or a facist myself, I found the documentary on them fascinating to say the least. I tried listing 3 contrasting reasons why I liked those 3 clubs. Mallorca - passionate fans
Lazio - mentalist fans
Torino - on a par with City in the early 90's.

Well in fairness i was a fan of them until that documentary. I mean football is a lifestyle to me but for them its just everything to the point where they will destroy them if they do something they dont agree with. Its unbelievable
That main guy, the one with the crater face. He was a complete lunatic. I've had this debate before with people both on here and in the boozer. For me they are displaying an aggression which is purely based on the love for their club. No I don't agree with the way they do it, but it is on a complete different level to some beer-bellied knuckle dragger meeting another beer bellied knuckle dragger in an alley, away from the cops and proceeding to slap one an others new Stone Island off each others backs. To me thats quite sad, because 9 times out of 10 NO slaps will land and the one doing the slapping will run back to the safety of his pack, thinking he's done something hard and respectable when infact he's made a bit of a wally of himself in reality. I tried explaining this to MCFC_Die_Hard on many, many occasions but he didn't get it. Of the one out of those 10 who does land a punch anc causes a person some physical damage, they are just as bad as those Lazio fans I found so fascinating. So to sum up, I don't agree with what they do, but its something I found interesting to watch at the time the documentary was aired, (03ish), because at that time I worked and met up at the match with someone 'connected' to City's lot, and I found him boring and tedious and every story sounded the same as the last one. In contrast to that the Lazio fans were up to things which got to the core of what fans find so frustrating at times - the players themselves. It was amazing how they arranged a meeting with Lazio's captain to tell them how to play!! That same set of documentary's had a Wolves/West Brom match on it. One Wolves fan chatted to a WB fan, then paced back a bit before smacking the unaware WB fan in the back of the head. My mate thought that was 'tactical', whereas I thought it was the act of a shit head. Course, he didn't agree with me that it was fascinating what the Lazio fans were up too.
Pigeonho said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Well in fairness i was a fan of them until that documentary. I mean football is a lifestyle to me but for them its just everything to the point where they will destroy them if they do something they dont agree with. Its unbelievable
That main guy, the one with the crater face. He was a complete lunatic. I've had this debate before with people both on here and in the boozer. For me they are displaying an aggression which is purely based on the love for their club. No I don't agree with the way they do it, but it is on a complete different level to some beer-bellied knuckle dragger meeting another beer bellied knuckle dragger in an alley, away from the cops and proceeding to slap one an others new Stone Island off each others backs. To me thats quite sad, because 9 times out of 10 NO slaps will land and the one doing the slapping will run back to the safety of his pack, thinking he's done something hard and respectable when infact he's made a bit of a wally of himself in reality. I tried explaining this to MCFC_Die_Hard on many, many occasions but he didn't get it. Of the one out of those 10 who does land a punch anc causes a person some physical damage, they are just as bad as those Lazio fans I found so fascinating. So to sum up, I don't agree with what they do, but its something I found interesting to watch at the time the documentary was aired, (03ish), because at that time I worked and met up at the match with someone 'connected' to City's lot, and I found him boring and tedious and every story sounded the same as the last one.

I met some firms before well the fringes and they all the same, mouthy, racist, drunk, listen to what i did im well ard me types. Unlike tese Lazio fans that know exactly what they doing. I find it amazing but in being facist i find them as bad and as low as the Firm types
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Pigeonho said:
That main guy, the one with the crater face. He was a complete lunatic. I've had this debate before with people both on here and in the boozer. For me they are displaying an aggression which is purely based on the love for their club. No I don't agree with the way they do it, but it is on a complete different level to some beer-bellied knuckle dragger meeting another beer bellied knuckle dragger in an alley, away from the cops and proceeding to slap one an others new Stone Island off each others backs. To me thats quite sad, because 9 times out of 10 NO slaps will land and the one doing the slapping will run back to the safety of his pack, thinking he's done something hard and respectable when infact he's made a bit of a wally of himself in reality. I tried explaining this to MCFC_Die_Hard on many, many occasions but he didn't get it. Of the one out of those 10 who does land a punch anc causes a person some physical damage, they are just as bad as those Lazio fans I found so fascinating. So to sum up, I don't agree with what they do, but its something I found interesting to watch at the time the documentary was aired, (03ish), because at that time I worked and met up at the match with someone 'connected' to City's lot, and I found him boring and tedious and every story sounded the same as the last one.

I met some firms before well the fringes and they all the same, mouthy, racist, drunk, listen to what i did im well ard me types. Unlike tese Lazio fans that know exactly what they doing. I find it amazing but in being facist i find them as bad and as low as the Firm types
A good summing up that.
Interesting - the talk of Lazio I distinctinly remember the original city shop in the arndale centre (which closed years back when they shut that part of the arndale to tart it up) selling Lazio shirts.

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