Who's your favourite City manager?


Well-Known Member
3 Aug 2010
Who is your favourite City manager of all time? Mine is Kevin Keegan - got us playing a style of attacking football I hadn't seen for years and made the transfer window exciting again with players like Weah, Wanchope, Benarbia & Berkovic.
Gotta say Mancini too. Sure, he had his faults, and his 'my way or the highway' style alienated many (particularly within the dressing room), but under him we carried ourselves with a swagger that has not been replicated since. We were feared and respected, and we won trophies. He restored our pride. For that, he'll always be my favourite.
In order of my considerable lifetime watching the blues in order:- first match 76-77 so Tony Book onwards

1- Bobby Manc - tore down that banner & took on GPC & won in style
2 - Tony Book - nostalgic choice but my first taste of success as a Blue & we were the dominant team in Manchester
3 - Manuel Pelligrini - at its best the greatest football we've ever played at its worst lethargic
4 - John Bond - swagger & hope
5 - Brian Horton - Uwe - Walsh & Beagrie!
6 - Kevin Keegan - Ali Bernarbia & Eyal Berkovic ripping holes out on all and sundry
7 - Joe Royles - Got us back from the brink & restored sanity
8 - Sven Goran Erikkson - Made us feel we were a big club again
9- Mel Machin - 5-1
10 - Howard Kendall - Only manager pre Mancini that could have won us the title, pity he got pissed & went back to his missus
11 - Billy McNeill - If only we hadn't been skint, think he could have got us places
12 - Peter Reid - missed him out of my original list - respectable league firm, though feel it was with Kendalls team, oh & Sam Ellis!
13 - Mark Hughes - Thought he was better than he was, though made us a better team & some crucial behind the scenes changes
14 - Malcolm Allison (2nd coming) - If only... Though his team did reach LC semis without Bond's cup tied players & were robbed by Alf Grey
15 Stuart Pearce - steady start, dissolved into panic stricken desire to not lose
16 Jimmy Frizzell - Not the right choice after Billy went, pretty much a disaster with no cash, though did sign Varadi??
17 - Alan Ball - Just totally hopeless - though away days were fun at the time
18 John Benson - Cheapskate appointment who took a demotivated squad down
19 Steve Coppell - Bottler & fraud
20 Frank Clark - Hopeless, can only imagine the coach trips home after another defeat as he strummed his guitar - Oh and City 0-1 Bury FFS
21 Phil Neal - turd

Hope I haven't missed one, nearly forgot Sven!

Excluded Asa Hartford & Kiddos 2 game spells though both would rank higher than any of the bottom 5
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