Why City?

my old man was from trafford rd,he could see the swamp from his back yard,the year was 1937,he was 7 years old,champions of england that year were? eternally grateful dad for the choice you made.doherty,brook,tilsonetc etc etc etc.
Born and brought up for my first 11 years in Moss Side. To be precise, on Claremont Road (number 198, about 5 minutes walk from Maine Road). Who was I going to support? Them? Get real!
Since so many US blues (including myself) have turned up lately -how many of you started out as rag haters first?

Since the scum are such an annoying world wide phenomena, I hope other city fans realize what a ray of hope this club represents to the football supporting world.
My dad chucked me in a baby city kit soon as possible, bought me a season ticket when i was 9 and i've been city till i die ever since.
my first game was city v bolton 67 we got promoted that week? my mates took me i felt so highlated coming away from the ground? supporting city is like having a woman you come away having the best lay of your life or feel like she as done your head in? city are in your blood and the more you suffer the more you want it to come right? since that day my 2 sons my 3 daughters my 2 grandsons my 3 grandaughters my ex wife 7 ex girlfreinds and some of ther kids my step daughters kids and my new girlfreind and her son (but they dont know it yet ) and some of my ex 3 para mates all support city ??? so we cant and would not dream of not living the dream. the day we win a major trophy will be the greatest day of manchesters life and we will show the whole country how to celebrate? joe mercer said we are a family side and we have to stick together.
Dad again, first game Leicester on Good Friday (?) 1967. Remember nothing of the game but the sights and sounds made an impression, particularly the strange behaviour of 'grown-ups'.
What defined the tribal nature of my allegiance was not the Maine Rd experience or my regular attendance but life at primary school in the city. Everyone (and I mean everyone) was either city or united, girls included, and it was this school-given identity that defined who I was and who my friends were.
I now live in Bristol and only attend COMS occasionally with my young son but, as a rugby fan himself, he still doesn't quite 'get' the tribal nature of my following. Doesn't matter much, he's now a blue and it's part of who he is.
I began supporting City due to several factors as my initials are M.C. and i happen to live on the river Maine in a estate called Maine Park and ended up joining a band called Pride of the Maine funny enuff...and the fact that i had an older brother who followed City and i was born in 1969 when City were at their peak having won the league and heading for F.A cup glory that year.I n fact the number of City fans who are local to me because of the Maine connection is pretty scary as we even started up a Supporters club...i admit to being tempted to having a soft spot for West Brom after the signing of then the untouchable Peter Barnes...
mammutly said:
With so many new members of Bluemoon, it would be interesting to hear why people first started to support City.

I was 8, and at a school where everyone supported man utd. So I thought, fuck that. I'm going to support City. I never thought that me and City would get so close. Where ever I've been, whatever I've done and whatever I ever will do, there will always be me and Man City. I kind of think it was meant to be.

So if I ask myself, why City? There's only one answer - Because we are City, super City... and the answers in the 'we'.
I could no more walk away from City than I could from my own shadow.
I was a rag before last week but then the whole Tevez thing kicked off and so now I am a blue.
was bullied into supportin city by my dad, one of the only things i love him for.
trying to do the same with my lad (19 mnths).
got his first city shirt signed by mr kompany, if he starts supportin any other team look on e-bay coz he'll prob be listed lol.

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