Why do dog owners think everyone loves their dogs?

In my local park with our dogs. Somebody had left their hound's 'gift' on the pathway. I often pick it up for the scruffy feckers, but on this day two women were stood close by and one of them 'demanded' I should clear it up, as by being a dog owner, I was responsible by association. :-)
Cheeky woman, should have said she should be in prison for luring children to their deaths because Moira Hindley was a female.
My mate when working for Trafford MBC was tasked with the spray can...the idea was that the following day owners would feel shamed looking at their dogs shit from the previous days....it didn't work.

I thought that might be the purpose. Yes exactly, if someone isn't ashamed to leave shit in the middle of the pavement, I'm not sure how fluorescent paint would ever make a difference.
I thought that might be the purpose. Yes exactly, if someone isn't ashamed to leave shit in the middle of the pavement, I'm not sure how fluorescent paint would ever make a difference.
A once nearly famous band called, 'Hung Like Hanratty', recorded a song called 'Clean up your dog shit'.
Relevant, but I don't know how to post it.
I have a problem with dirty scruffy fuckers leaving shit everywhere...I have 4 dogs and carry loads of doggy bags to clear up. The problem is is when I walk past a huge sloppy shit with my dogs and then pass someone further up the track they are going to walk past said obstacle and assume it was one of mine.

Go for a shit at home before you walk the dogs then you scruff.
Dogs are great but their owners can get to fuck.

Dogs piss all over our car wheels and gates, their owners don’t swill it off. They piss all over the grass in parks where children sit and play, their owners don’t swill it up. They rub their noses and roll about in each others piss in parks and lick each others arseholes, then the owners take the filthy fuckers in cafes and pubs where food and drink is being served. They shit anywhere they want and the fact that not all owners bother to pick it up tells you a lot, and many of those that do either sling those bags under a bush or hang them in trees.

Oh and if you have a dog and don’t think your house smells, it does, it smells like dogs and dog piss because dogs are forever rubbing themselves in other dogs’ piss, but you have gone nose blind to it.
Would these be the same wheels that drive through sewage, fag ends, half eaten take aways, rat piss etc? The same parks full of rubbish, cannisters, human piss and vomit?
And guess what, my house or dog doesn't smell of piss.
I was chased by an Alsatian when I was really young so had the fear since then. Looking back it was only playing but it put the shits up me.
I was working in Ankara during the pandemic. They have street dogs that wander in packs. Now that does scare the bejesus out of me.
You actually would want to watch those stray packs of dogs, they are dangerous.

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