Why do dog owners think everyone loves their dogs?

There's a woman that I see on my 'walkies' who has a chihauhau ( sp. one of those tiny mexican things ) crossed with a minature yorkshire terrier ( one of those tiny yorkshire terrier things) Basically a tiny waste of space, about the size of a guinea pig....and she pushes it around in a pram. I've got 4 rather inquisitive, much larger dogs who are just dying to make its aquaintance. The look on her face is a picture, she visible shits herself when she sees me coming.
I like all animals but am slightly wary of some dogs, big angry ones mostly. It’s never an animal’s fault though, it’s shitty owners who let them off leads in inappropriate places, or don’t bother scooping up the poop.

Even worse are those who scoop it but then leave the fucking bag hanging in a tree or on the ground! Why even bother bagging it if you’re just going to leave litter and shit for everyone else?
Totally agree regarding the poo bags. I just don’t get it. Hanging a bag of poo from a branch? What’s that about?

The island where I let my mutt loose hasn’t got enough bins, but I know where they are. If he shits miles from one, well I just have to walk with it in a bag for those miles.
Thems the rules. Owning a dog comes with responsibility.

Also, come nesting season, he won’t be allowed off the lead down the reserve part of the island.
I could add, dogs are great but owners that take them into pubs and cafes are nearly always cunts, selfish look at me type of cunts.
Generally over here you can’t take a dog in anywhere like that.
There is an outside coffee area that allows them, in the park I go to, but the dog has to be back on the lead.
I know in Howth, there is a similar premises that has the outside area covered. Mind you the clue to that place is in its name: The Doghouse.
There's a woman that I see on my 'walkies' who has a chihauhau ( sp. one of those tiny mexican things ) crossed with a minature yorkshire terrier ( one of those tiny yorkshire terrier things) Basically a tiny waste of space, about the size of a guinea pig....and she pushes it around in a pram. I've got 4 rather inquisitive, much larger dogs who are just dying to make its aquaintance. The look on her face is a picture, she visible shits herself when she sees me coming.
That is not nice at all , keep your dogs away from her
I was chased by an Alsatian when I was really young so had the fear since then. Looking back it was only playing but it put the shits up me.
I was working in Ankara during the pandemic. They have street dogs that wander in packs. Now that does scare the bejesus out of me.
I’m waiting for a certain poster to come along and reprimand you for not using the name German Shepherd instead of Alsatian:-)
(Thank you Eamo)
There's a woman that I see on my 'walkies' who has a chihauhau ( sp. one of those tiny mexican things ) crossed with a minature yorkshire terrier ( one of those tiny yorkshire terrier things) Basically a tiny waste of space, about the size of a guinea pig....and she pushes it around in a pram. I've got 4 rather inquisitive, much larger dogs who are just dying to make its aquaintance. The look on her face is a picture, she visible shits herself when she sees me coming.
Careful it'd beat any of them in a one on one fight ...it'd choke yours.
There's a woman that I see on my 'walkies' who has a chihauhau ( sp. one of those tiny mexican things ) crossed with a minature yorkshire terrier ( one of those tiny yorkshire terrier things) Basically a tiny waste of space, about the size of a guinea pig....and she pushes it around in a pram. I've got 4 rather inquisitive, much larger dogs who are just dying to make its aquaintance. The look on her face is a picture, she visible shits herself when she sees me coming.

Perhaps she just thinks you are a stalky looking fucker :)

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