Why do dog owners think everyone loves their dogs?

Back on topic briefly before we discuss rare ass-master box sets. I think early experiences with dogs/cats tend to shape people's opinions for life. As a toddler one of my best mates was next doors lab - as daft and gentle as anything so I've never benn scared of dogs. I think if your first experience is an aggressive dog or even one that chases you thinking it's a game and you feel hunted then it stays with you. Same with cats. Plenty are cunts, but another neighbour had a jet black big tom that never showed us a tooth or claw and I've always liked them.
I think early experiences with dogs/cats tend to shape people's opinions for life. As a toddler one of my best mates was next doors lab - as daft and gentle as anything so I've never benn scared of dogs. I think if your first experience is an aggressive dog or even one that chases you thinking it's a game and you feel hunted then it stays with you. Same with cats. Plenty are cunts, but another neighbour had a jet black big tom that never showed us a tooth or claw and I've always liked them.
This. I’m a cat man for life and every dog I knew as a kid was a horrible ****. Zero exceptions.
Over the years I’ve got to know some laid back, very sweet-natured dogs, but they are the 0.001%.

Mark E Smith said it best;
You don't see rabbits being walked down the street
And you don't see many cats on leads
Dogs pet dogs dogs rapacious wet dogs
Owner of dogs slow-witted dog owner
Owner of rabid dog saving fare for tunnel
Euro-dream of civil, civil liberation for dogs
Society secret society inevitable nightmare
Of drift dog pet dogs street bullshit
Dog shit baby bit ass-lick dog mirror
Dead tiger shot and checked out by dog
Big tea-chest-fucker dog
Black collar sends East German refugee back switch and crap pathetic
Of earth-like lousy dog role model for infidel doghouse continent
Mutt citadel dog-eye mirror hypnotic school slaver and learn
Lot from dog on grass and over nervous delicate dog
Detracts light from indiscrepant non-dog-lover
Dog pet dog come home to ya
Come home we'll talk shit to ya
Dog the pet-owner-owner blistered hanging there death dog
Plato of the human example and copier dogmaster pet mourner
Dog is life
I too was bitten by a German Shepherd as a kid on my paper route and had a fear of them for a long time. Had a cat as a kid who would actually go hiking with us and follow us around like a dog. Also he would kill snakes and the occasional mouse and bring them to us as presents. Also kicked the living shit out of neighbo(u)rhood cats. One hard cat. Name of Tony. He was the Godfather of cats on my street. Lived to a ripe old age. We scattered his ashes in the creek near our house where we and he played as children.

As a grown-up we got a cat named "Manchester Kitty" by my kids and called Chessie. Used to climb up my back and onto my head while I was eating dinner as a kitten. Odd little bird, and scared of everyone and everything, but sweet when she wanted to be. Sadly she left us early this year (as in went out one night and never came back). She was getting old though.

But we also got a dog for the kids a few years back -- a Cavapoo (1/2 poodle, 1/2 King Charles cavalier) and she's as sweet and friendly as can be if a little rambunctious. Family accuses me of loving her more than them, which is sometimes true. One thing -- when I come home from work or especially work trips, she's always there to greet me. No matter how bad a day I've had, she looks at me with unconditional love. Our friends love her too. When my kid went to college, she sat on his bed for a week moping. They know.

So in the great battle between dog and cat people, I've concluded I am happy with both for different reasons.
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Back on topic briefly before we discuss rare ass-master box sets. I think early experiences with dogs/cats tend to shape people's opinions for life. As a toddler one of my best mates was next doors lab - as daft and gentle as anything so I've never benn scared of dogs. I think if your first experience is an aggressive dog or even one that chases you thinking it's a game and you feel hunted then it stays with you. Same with cats. Plenty are cunts, but another neighbour had a jet black big tom that never showed us a tooth or claw and I've always liked them.
I was scared shitless by dogs when I was a boy. On the advice of my school, because I kept running away from them, or trying to at least, my parents bought a dog. I don't remember the running away from them, but I recall a little black puppy coming into the house for the first time. It took a while for it to gather some confidence and the first time it came up to me to have a sniff, I recoiled back in my chair. I don't know which one of us was more scared at that point, the dog or me, because he recoiled back as well.

My mum quietly told me to just sit still and let him come to me. He wasn't going to eat me.

A few hours later I was asking my Mum if I could take him for a walk, and we became the best of friends for the next 17 years. I've liked dogs ever since, and when you think of the good work they do, not only in providing company for people, but also helping blind or deaf people, guide and hearing dogs, or those with epilepsy that have dogs that can warn them a seizure is about to happen, they are wonderful animals.

Sure, some are nasty, but they are a relection of their owners, the pair of which aren't happy with their lot, and an agressive, snarling dog isn't enjoying life when it perceives everything as a threat.

Dogs from loving homes are delightful animals that become entertaining members of the family, see everyone as a friend, and have less desire to bite someone than Luis Suarez.
I was attacked by two Doberman dogs when i was a kid, I ended up in hozzy and I am wary as fuck about dogs

Dies anyone else feel like me?
I’ve been attacked as a kid by a GSD, a Chow X GSD, and a Red Setter mate (would have added a Doberman but luckily there was a plate glass window between us) so I understand where you’re coming from, now I went on to have dogs of my own, (even trained with sleeves and full body protection with protection/security dogs etc), but it also bugs me that people assume, because I have a dog or had dogs, that I was OK with their dogs let alone liked/loved them, I’m not, I’m OK with dogs I know relatively well.

Trouble is, too many people have dogs that are totally unsuitable for them and they have absolutely ZERO idea of the potential ‘lethal weapon’,(and what to do if things go wrong) that they’re supposedly in charge of, let alone just the damage they can cause by charging into people/children, even when playing.

PS, never come to Westhoughton Rascal, I’ve never met so many people who lack basic common sense, especially when it comes to dogs, in my whole fuckin life by far, which is some feat given where I grew up and the places I’ve worked.
Got 4 myself and apart from a couple of years between wifes, always had them. Been bitten by 2 of other peoples just because I'm to trusting of them in general. Remember as a kid being attacked by a jack russel, always hated them, it ran at me so I booted the little fucker really hard into a holly bush. It yelped and bravely ran away.....

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