Why The Hell Would Anyone Want Mancini Sacked ?

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Can I just say that this has become perhaps the most tedious thread ever on BM.

It's going around and around and frankly nowhere. I am all for a good debate. Even for a good argument. But this isn't it.

If I was a mod, I would lock it. Hope someone feels inclined to do so.
Chippy_boy said:
Can I just say that this has become perhaps the most tedious thread ever on BM.

It's going around and around and frankly nowhere. I am all for a good debate. Even for a good argument. But this isn't it.

If I was a mod, I would lock it. Hope someone feels inclined to do so.

Me too now. I've said my piece and they've said theirs. That's three hours that I will never get back! :)

And I'll still be right! ;-)

At the end of the day, we all want City to be successful. It's just that some of us have different ideas about how that should be achieved.

I'm off now. See you after the next defeat! ;-)
DD said:
Damocles said:
As I say, your whole post is essentially bollocks, which is why you aren't getting the "intellectual debate" you want. The people smarter than you think you're an idiot and not worth arguing with.

Actually, we have now had some intelligent debate, thanks. Your dead end "you're a moron" quotes weren't part of it. It was just ten comments along the lines of your previous 'efforts'. Never mind. Intelligent life does exist and they don't need to resort to Latin phrases either. :)

Yes, Latin phrases are intuitively bad. You used two in your post by the way.

I don't think you're a moron, I think you're an idiot. These are different things. You remind me of those guys who can fight a bit and step into a boxing ring. We box with Billy all day long and you are the football equivalent of Audley Harrison. Thinks a lot of himself. Almost no substance. I'm a little bit annoyed because the anti-Mancini crowd does regularly have some decent stuff to say, but you just haven't said any of it and instead dediced that your opinion is God and everybody else is stupid so you've cheapened the entire argument and made the anti-Mancini guys look like the pricks that they aren't by association. So well done there.

If you never posted here again, nobody would shed a tear. By all rights, you should have annoyed all. Pro-Mancini posters are insulted by how ignornant you are whilst claiming knowledge, anti-Mancini posters should be insulted how you've distilled their worthy argument down to the cheapest possible form and gone over the cliff of sanity and causality. There's good arguments against Mancini and you've chose the path where you make none of them and call everybody stupid. Doing this, you insult us all either because you presume our ignorance or because you presume our agreement

But it's ok, perhaps City will get beaten at home by their long term rivals and you can have your wish.
Damocles said:
DD said:
Damocles said:
As I say, your whole post is essentially bollocks, which is why you aren't getting the "intellectual debate" you want. The people smarter than you think you're an idiot and not worth arguing with.

Actually, we have now had some intelligent debate, thanks. Your dead end "you're a moron" quotes weren't part of it. It was just ten comments along the lines of your previous 'efforts'. Never mind. Intelligent life does exist and they don't need to resort to Latin phrases either. :)

Yes, Latin phrases are intuitively bad. You used two in your post by the way.

I don't think you're a moron, I think you're an idiot. These are different things. You remind me of those guys who can fight a bit and step into a boxing ring. We box with Billy all day long and you are the football equivalent of Audley Harrison. Thinks a lot of himself. Almost no substance. I'm a little bit annoyed because the anti-Mancini crowd does regularly have some decent stuff to say, but you just haven't said any of it and instead dediced that your opinion is God and everybody else is stupid so you've cheapened the entire argument and made the anti-Mancini guys look like the pricks that they aren't by association. So well done there.

If you never posted here again, nobody would shed a tear. By all rights, you should have annoyed all. Pro-Mancini posters are insulted by how ignornant you are whilst claiming knowledge, anti-Mancini posters should be insulted how you've distilled their worthy argument down to the cheapest possible form and gone over the cliff of sanity and causality. There's good arguments against Mancini and you've chose the path where you make none of them and call everybody stupid. Doing this, you insult us all either because you presume our ignorance or because you presume our agreement

But it's ok, perhaps City will get beaten at home by their long term rivals and you can have your wish.

I still think you've got the hump.

I can't be arsed trawling through all this drivel, but some of his points are valid and the fact that you acknowledge none of them and call him an idiot cheapens your argument IMHO.

Anyway, I am out of here. It has become tedious. Over to the Dzeko thread ;-)
Damocles said:
DD said:
Damocles said:
As I say, your whole post is essentially bollocks, which is why you aren't getting the "intellectual debate" you want. The people smarter than you think you're an idiot and not worth arguing with.

Actually, we have now had some intelligent debate, thanks. Your dead end "you're a moron" quotes weren't part of it. It was just ten comments along the lines of your previous 'efforts'. Never mind. Intelligent life does exist and they don't need to resort to Latin phrases either. :)

Yes, Latin phrases are intuitively bad. You used two in your post by the way.

I don't think you're a moron, I think you're an idiot. These are different things. You remind me of those guys who can fight a bit and step into a boxing ring. We box with Billy all day long and you are the football equivalent of Audley Harrison. Thinks a lot of himself. Almost no substance. I'm a little bit annoyed because the anti-Mancini crowd does regularly have some decent stuff to say, but you just haven't said any of it and instead dediced that your opinion is God and everybody else is stupid so you've cheapened the entire argument and made the anti-Mancini guys look like the pricks that they aren't by association. So well done there.

If you never posted here again, nobody would shed a tear. By all rights, you should have annoyed all. Pro-Mancini posters are insulted by how ignornant you are whilst claiming knowledge, anti-Mancini posters should be insulted how you've distilled their worthy argument down to the cheapest possible form and gone over the cliff of sanity and causality. There's good arguments against Mancini and you've chose the path where you make none of them and call everybody stupid. Doing this, you insult us all either because you presume our ignorance or because you presume our agreement

But it's ok, perhaps City will get beaten at home by their long term rivals and you can have your wish.

Please do not speak for me. I welcome comments from all posters and issues such as Mancini's record in Europe, tactical decisions are topics I discuss regularly with fellow Blues. So I would consider them relevant.

What I never understand is the vindictiveness of some posters comments and that post fell into that category.
DD said:
Berkovic_blue said:
DD said:
Again, the point is missed. Did we win the things because of Mancini or in spite of him? I think the latter.

You keep going back to this point as if it's the central basis of your argument.

Let's just break it down a bit, what you are claiming is that a man who the owners put their faith in and pay millions of pounds per year to pick the starting XI, choose the tactics and substitutions, coach and motivate the players is actually terrible at his job.

And despite being so bad, by some sheer miracle the players managed to overcome this entirely off their own backs and put in one of the ballsiest and dominating end of season runs in history to claim the Premier League Title all whilst being hindered by the man in charge of managing them.

Do you not realise how utterly fucking stupid that sounds? Really?

You should expand on the point of just how you think this miracle occurred, because at the moment it comes across as a meaningless (and ridiculous) soundbite from somebody who does not appear to have the first clue about how football works. Don't forget to include Mark Hughes in your answer with respect to the appalling performances that were occurring before Mancini arrived, I'm sure it will make fascinating reading.

The last six game run started when the shackles were off, and the league looked gone. The negative tactics of the previous away games were shook off at Norwich and Wolves.

The league would still have been lost had United not cocked up against Wigan and Everton. They handed the initiative back to us and, to be fair, we took it, eventually.

However, the point is that we would have blown a title that was ours for the taking all the way, had we not been handed some huge stroke of fortune when United hit the inside of the post at 4-2 against Everton. We took our second chance well but, given the quality of players we had, should it really have come to that? Of course it doesn't matter, because the name is on the trophy, but if you don't heed the lessons of history then you make for a potentially troubled future.

Hmm, bit of a lightweight reply and you didn't reference Hughes. Let's try again with some simple questions.

1) You said you "saw through" Mancini 2 1/2 years ago. Do you give him any credit whatsoever for what he has acheived at City in that time?

2) You said we won the league "in spite of Mancini", do you believe we would have done better with no manager at all during the time period referenced in 1)?

3) Exactly how bad is baconface considering he blew an 8pt lead with 6 games to go? Worse than Mancini or not?

4) Real Madrid currently have a more talented and expensive squad than us, yes?

5) In reference to 4), what's your opinion of Mourinho given their current position in La Liga?

6) Do you agree that any of the players in the squad have improved since Mancini arrived? If yes, why is this? (obviously it's not down to Mancini in your opinion)

7) Do you believe that "quality" players never suffer a dip in form under so-called better managers?

That's all for now, I'm fascinated to read the response.

edit: Re, your hypothetical scenarios about things that might've happened, eg United not hitting the post. Was it also a huge stroke of fortune that Aguero didn't slip in the 95th minute against QPR while bursting into the box? How about them losing to Blackburn due to a couple of supposedly questionable referee decisions? Or City losing out on a point at Sunderland due to the linesman failing to give offside? That's the thing with hypotheticals and calling teams lucky, you can pick hundreds of moments during a season where things could've happened differently to change a result.

Oh, just thought of one more question:

8) When Aguero's goal went in against QPR, did you merely shrug your shoulders and think, "well, we should've already sown it up weeks ago". Was there a sense of dissappointment for you that we'd only won the title due to huge strokes of fortune elsewhere?
franksinatra said:
Damocles said:
DD said:
Actually, we have now had some intelligent debate, thanks. Your dead end "you're a moron" quotes weren't part of it. It was just ten comments along the lines of your previous 'efforts'. Never mind. Intelligent life does exist and they don't need to resort to Latin phrases either. :)

Yes, Latin phrases are intuitively bad. You used two in your post by the way.

I don't think you're a moron, I think you're an idiot. These are different things. You remind me of those guys who can fight a bit and step into a boxing ring. We box with Billy all day long and you are the football equivalent of Audley Harrison. Thinks a lot of himself. Almost no substance. I'm a little bit annoyed because the anti-Mancini crowd does regularly have some decent stuff to say, but you just haven't said any of it and instead dediced that your opinion is God and everybody else is stupid so you've cheapened the entire argument and made the anti-Mancini guys look like the pricks that they aren't by association. So well done there.

If you never posted here again, nobody would shed a tear. By all rights, you should have annoyed all. Pro-Mancini posters are insulted by how ignornant you are whilst claiming knowledge, anti-Mancini posters should be insulted how you've distilled their worthy argument down to the cheapest possible form and gone over the cliff of sanity and causality. There's good arguments against Mancini and you've chose the path where you make none of them and call everybody stupid. Doing this, you insult us all either because you presume our ignorance or because you presume our agreement

But it's ok, perhaps City will get beaten at home by their long term rivals and you can have your wish.

Please do not speak for me. I welcome comments from all posters and issues such as Mancini's record in Europe, tactical decisions are topics I discuss regularly with fellow Blues. So I would consider them relevant.

What I never understand is the vindictiveness of some posters comments and that post fell into that category.

Perhaps I should explain? See the last page for my reply.

He didn't ask for a reguar debate, he said that his view was correct and anybody else was intellectually inferior. This insults us all, and outside of pissing him off for trolling, I prefered a reply.
DD has to be a rag or at least a WUM. A Blue would NEVER, EVER, EVER wish defeat by the scum on any day of the week. He has also used "You" rather than "We" on far too many occasions.

The points made are also incredibly subjective. Especially on players not improving under Mancini - which has to be the biggest joke on planet Earth.
Ah, it appears he's shit it and gone home. I'll be checking back in this thread and expecting answers to my questions at some point. If any other Mancini-outers want to answer them then please go right ahead. We need to get to the crux of where these opinions are coming from because a lot of it I'm struggling to comprehend. My questions are simple and only require simple answers. Like I say, I'd be fascinated to see the responses...
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