Why your username ?

peoffrey said:
BWTAC said:
Because i'm a dyslexic Norweigan.




Geoffrey at Primary School used to do his lower case g's with the loop the wrong way round so, when he wrote his name down in lower case, it looked like a p with a tail. My username is in tribute to him. Thick fucker but a good Lad.

Only on a weekend and if the money's right.
An attempt at a witty nom de plume which tied in with my club.

I'd change it, but it has taken be three and a bit years to amass 914 posts, so i cant really be arsed...
Because I am a pretentious Southerner, but people tend to misread it as Sprinter anyway. Don't know why I bother....
Best glass of red (and subsequent night) I've had was a 1961 vintage pinot noir. Fantastic memory!

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