Wierd stuff that scared you as a kid.

The theme of Tales of the unexpected
Sapphire and Steel type shows
The pilot of the Incredible Hulk. I hid behind the sofa petrified at my nan's while my uncles made matters worse and she bate them round the house for upsetting the child.
Mine was Puddle Lane, the book! in my dreams the Dragon would turn up looking at me through my window, all i ever encountered, according to my memory, was the cover, yet I was plagued for years, and years, it got to the point where I'd be in bed thinking, well, i've got to get through being terrified again tonight I suppose... i secretly think they weren't dreams. A actual dragon lived in our back garden.
Another thing that's weird, I grew out of that night after night nightmare about a dragon trying to get me phase thing, and I came to understand that if I thought of something during the day, then there was no way i'd dream about it that night. It was my favourite bit about going to sleep, post puddle lane, obviously I want to dream about having sex, or being upfront for City, but you can't knowingly not think about something, so I'd be in bed and go fucking hell, I've thought about Samantha now! The most beautiful girl in school.. No chance I'm gonna dream about her kissing me tonight..
The Dr Who theme tune.
The Bohemian Rhapsody video.
The aliens in Star Trek that landed on people's faces. They were pretty laughable and looked like pancakes really.
Definitely the Dr Who theme tune and the Darleks scared me to death oh and the opening the the show Thriller in the early seventies. Used to hide behind the setee. I was about seven at the time.
Do you remember that old Australian kids TV Series from the early 90s called Round The Twist?

There was an episode where one of the kids didn’t clean under his bed and a giant fucking dust monster came out and full on assaulted him.

I had nightmares about it for years.
I even had nightmares, when I was about five, about hiding behind the sofa when the yetis from Dr Who came through my lounge.

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