Wierd stuff that scared you as a kid.

Any film with Vincent Price in it …but the one that freaked me out the most was ‘theatre of blood’ where some critic was forced to eat her own dogs…wtaf

The series salems lot with David Sole….the bit where the lads dead brother was scratching at the window…still scares me now!!!

The movie phantasm with that flying ball of death…
Afflecks palace. Wasn't so much scared, but intimidated. Loved the place though, learnt what a condom was and all the colourful variants there were from visiting
The Exorcist.

Seeing it recently, it seems pretty tame. But at the cinema on release, it was feckin terrifying. It really was.
I guess time and movies getting more gory and shocking have dulled it's edge.

Like many, Daleks scared me on TV. Their total lack of compassion and single mindedness was truly frightening to me. I had nightmares about them literally coming down our street.

Also for me personally, was my mum's old Victorian doll on top of her wardrobe. Freaky after seeing that TV show with the ventriloquist's dummy that came to life... I always expected it's head to turn and follow me as I walked past it.

The other was the dead coming back to life. Way before all the modern zombie films and books. The image of their lifeless rotting arms, breaking through the earth of their graves was the generator of many other nightmares for me.
I reckon that fear came from seeing my uncle and aunt 'laid out' in their parlour. (Catholic family, it was the norm to see such, even for kids)

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