Will Edin Dzeko flop? Why or why not?

Too early to tell. But I think he'll come good... Still got a big part to play in the rest of the season with Tevez injured, so the (league) duck will be broken soon enough.
We'll see how things play out squad-wise in the summer, but I believe he will play well next season.

If you ever have any doubts just look at the matches he plays with Bosnia against top European opponents.
In regards to Dzeko...

I just don't know. I don't.

There have been examples of big forwards that needed time to adjust to the EPL (Drogba) and there have been others that stepped right in.

I see the player he was at Wolfsberg and I get excited. Then I see his performances at City and it's very average. Is it the service? the league, not given enough of a run yet? first (half) season in the EPL????

I'm going to reserve to harsh a judgement until next season. Simple as
jjeangi said:
Ridiculous? I was asking for simple opinions. I didn't even take sides. I am neutral regarding Dzeko, sir.

I wasn't even comparing him to Samaras in that regard. Just asking will he join the list to add to our bad luck from front men.

Its never ceases to amaze me the hostility on these forums.

If you don't like the thread, don't come on here trolling.

My bad, OP. Clearly I overreacted, and I don't dispute that. I've been thinking it unfair all of the slack that Dzeko has been getting and I guess I chose your thread to vent. This wasn't very fair of me and you have my apologies. I am not a troll, though (I wouldn't be posting this if I was).

Now, to answer the question: yes, I think he will come good. Hopefully, with his good attitude and a little support from the fans, he'll be knocking goals in left and right for City next season. The danger is that he becomes discouraged and leaves or gets sold and he ends up scoring 20+ a season for some other club in the PL.

Otherwise, I think EaglesFan's answer was spot-on.

EaglesFan said:
1) He's NOT PLAYING so you can't really evaluate shit at this point :-) Even when he plays, it's with a second team or some weird combination such as one at Liverpool.

2) I don't think when he played (sparingly to say the least) he played as bad as some are portraying. He did ok.

3) Crosses are overrated here - balkanno made the correct assessment. Dzeko is not a player for slow build-up type of play. Full stop.

4) He will be successful in this league. Whether he will be successful with City - we will see next year. One thing I know is you dont keep that kind of player on the bench for too long. You cant. So I see either: a) him and Balo playing together a lot next year, or b) Dzeko going to a different Prem team (loan or buy).

5) To question his skill is idiotic to me. I question his confidence (first and foremost), form, and state of mind in terms of his position on the team - but please give up the 'he sucks' talk. You don't score for fun three years in a row if you suck.

Parts in bold I particularly agree with.
It all depends on system, it's as simple as that.

Even Zigic has managed to settle at Birmingham quite well because they play it direct to him, and Zigic is barely 1/4 the player Dzeko is. If we continue with the current system, we may as well sell Dzeko now. But if we add more creative players and/or crossers, then he should be fine.
No doubting the ability, I agree that he would be a success in Europe tomorrow, but he's far too much of a nice guy at the moment for any more than that. He needs a serious edge to his game to prosper in this league.

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