Will the United States survive the 21st century?

if the socialist twat biden wins then the usa is well up shit creek
Have you considered googling what socialist means? Other than it being a label for something you dislike. I don't understand why anything bad in right wingers eyes= socialism/communism.

The left does this a lot as well by calling anything they don't like neoliberalism
Have you considered googling what socialist means? Other than it being a label for something you dislike. I don't understand why anything bad in right wingers eyes= socialism/communism.

The left does this a lot as well by calling anything they don't like neoliberalism
Calling @Rascal to the thread.
if the socialist twat biden wins then the usa is well up shit creek
I do like people with a sense of humour. Biden is not a Socialist, he may at a pinch be a Social Democrat, but Socialist, no.

What most people don't realise is every society has some form of Socialism, the road networks in probably every country in the world could be described as Socialist, it is owned by the state, paid for by the state, maintained by the state, because private roads would lead into inefficiency in the market. You wouldn't have two M60s competing against each other as free market economics demand.

Lets look at Biden's policy platform.

Abolish death penalty = liberal
Cash bail reform = liberal
Cocaine sentencing disparity =liberal
Eliminate private prisons = liberal, possibly Socialist, if you believe the UK penal system is a Socialist endeavour.
Minimum wage increase = liberal, possibly Socialist if the workers owned the means of production.
Paid leave = liberal
2 years free college = Socialist
Limits on campaign spending = hard to categorise.
End oil and gas drilling = liberal / Green
Tax carbon emissions = Green
Expand farm workers rights = Social liberal
Abortion - some limits = illiberal
Expand medicare = not quite Socialist, but getting there.
Legalising Marjuana- liberal
Taxation - Increases - socially liberal.

He is no Marxist, he is nowhere near as left wing as the UK labour party under Keith. He is a Liberal, in the UK I think he would be at home in the Lib Dems, I get though that for the USA he must appear a cross between Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot with a bit of Lenin and Trotsky for dessert

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