Wishy washy policing

I'll reply courteously and sensibly although the temptation to rant further is enormous, given the er "surprising lack of awareness" you demonstrate.

It is illegal to meet in groups of more than 6. It is illegal for members of 3 or more households to meet. It is illegal to drop litter in a public place. These are not guidelines, they are laws of the land.

We do not need to put people through courts, we can issue on the spot fines. Something we do not do anything like enough.

As an aside, lack of courtroom or prison bandwidth can not be an excuse for allowing lawlessness. If we need to spend more on police, the judicial system and prisons then we should do so.

And it's about the messaging. Police should not be "encouraging" and "asking nicely". They should be reminding the public of the laws that must be followed.
Totally agree with you on this but do have some sympathy for the plod as the numbers involved in gatherings etc can and has led to very difficult situations for the police and their safety.

Wishy washy statements from Ministers doesnt help.

Something needs to happen though as the UK is no longer recognisable, and not for the better
You keep ranting if it makes you feel better, get it all out.

Have you never done anything wrong in your life? Are you totally perfect? Your first rant was suggesting criminal prosecution for what amounts to kids, sitting in the park, having a few beers, after being locked away for 12 months. There is zero scientific evidence to suggest what most of these kids have done, will exacerbate the spread of the virus to any serious degree. So you want to ruin these kids for the rest of their lives, stop them getting good jobs, just because they sat on the grass and had a beer.
Yes there has been a few pissed up dickheads and they deserve apprehending. But you have absolutely no idea whether all these people are adhering to the rule of 6. There may be not much social distancing going on, but A) there is none in Asda, B) I would not believe any picture in the paper.

Now I realise everyone is at the end of their tether and getting a bit agitated. I say this as someone who has spent 6 of the last 12 months, sat on my own at home, as I am clinically vulnerable. Try doing that and being really ill as well, which I have been. Believe me, it's not great for your faculties.

What I do not want to see is us making criminals out of young kids and ruining their entire lives. Most of them are not even behaving badly, it's a few pissed up goons.

You need to get down off your high horse and have a think. Situations like these are not black and white.

The rubbish issue, I do actually agree with you, fine them if they are caught. Your other Draconian ideas are not only stupid, but totally unrealistic. The police marching in with heavy handed tactics would just escalate the problem. What you need is calm and sensible policing, not coppers dispersing the crowds with batons and C's gas.
It's about balance mate, and the balance is all wrong at the moment.

The status quo is that a very large proportion - far too large - just take the piss, and that needs to stop. I am not talking about ruining peoples' lives over trivia. As I said, we can have fixed penalties and on the spot fines.

But we need to start making it clear to people that this "Well I will do want I want and fuck everyone else" attitude is not acceptable. That starts with CLEAR MESSAGING when the police chiefs are being interviewed. We're not getting that. We're getting namby-pamby claptrap about work with us, and asking people this or that. It's limp.
You keep ranting if it makes you feel better, get it all out.

Have you never done anything wrong in your life? Are you totally perfect? Your first rant was suggesting criminal prosecution for what amounts to kids, sitting in the park, having a few beers, after being locked away for 12 months. There is zero scientific evidence to suggest what most of these kids have done, will exacerbate the spread of the virus to any serious degree. So you want to ruin these kids for the rest of their lives, stop them getting good jobs, just because they sat on the grass and had a beer.
Yes there has been a few pissed up dickheads and they deserve apprehending. But you have absolutely no idea whether all these people are adhering to the rule of 6. There may be not much social distancing going on, but A) there is none in Asda, B) I would not believe any picture in the paper.

Now I realise everyone is at the end of their tether and getting a bit agitated. I say this as someone who has spent 6 of the last 12 months, sat on my own at home, as I am clinically vulnerable. Try doing that and being really ill as well, which I have been. Believe me, it's not great for your faculties.

What I do not want to see is us making criminals out of young kids and ruining their entire lives. Most of them are not even behaving badly, it's a few pissed up goons.

You need to get down off your high horse and have a think. Situations like these are not black and white.

The rubbish issue, I do actually agree with you, fine them if they are caught. Your other Draconian ideas are not only stupid, but totally unrealistic. The police marching in with heavy handed tactics would just escalate the problem. What you need is calm and sensible policing, not coppers dispersing the crowds with batons and C's gas.
Sorry mate, cannot agree with you. I am old enough to understand respect to others and authaurities, this Country is getting worse and your stance of "they're only kids having fun" is a major part of the problem imo.
Needs sorting doesn't it. I mentioned in another thread, if it needs another 1p or 2p on income tax, so be it. But as I say, it's also about the messages being put out. The police constantly position things as a polite request. This is not appropriate, IMO, when we should be requiring people to obey the law.

Need not mean tax hikes - just proper control over spending - not just the PPE scandal but there is a waste of space HS2 project that could/should be abandoned or postponed as given the pandemic I doubt the demand will be anything like predicted - then there's the bridge to Ireland/Magic Roundabout tunnel - its a fantasy I know but hundreds of millions of pounds will be spaffed on advisors, specialists and feasibility studies to conclude what we already know - its a non-starter. Thats just some money that could be found or not wasted that could be spent on the Courts and the Police.
Need not mean tax hikes - just proper control over spending - not just the PPE scandal but there is a waste of space HS2 project that could/should be abandoned or postponed as given the pandemic I doubt the demand will be anything like predicted - then there's the bridge to Ireland/Magic Roundabout tunnel - its a fantasy I know but hundreds of millions of pounds will be spaffed on advisors, specialists and feasibility studies to conclude what we already know - its a non-starter. Thats just some money that could be found or not wasted that could be spent on the Courts and the Police.
The fundamental reason I am a Conservative by nature (and not a supporter of any particular Tory government nor individual) is that I am constantly appalled by the humungous amount of wasted resources that governments squander with mind-numbing levels of inefficiency and stupidity. That is why I want the government to be as small as possible, so there is the minimal scope for such ineptitude. And hence my Conservatism.

But I agree with you entirely. There's more than enough funds available, it's a matter of spending them wisely. Unfortunately I don't see that changing any time soon, or indeed ever. So in the meantime if we need more taxes then so be it.
My feelings entirely. I see the way large factions of our society behave and I hold my head in despair.
Me and the Mrs are frightened tbh. We are too regularly seeing mob rule all over the Country and little attempt to deal with it effectively.

It appears vogue now to be involved in protests, and I guess half of them there haven't a clue what there protesting about.

Unless something is done soon to reverse this trend, something serious will happen.
Don’t know if I’m right or wrong but during the tenure of successive Governments who claim to be the party of law and order it’s turned into a shit show . Was it May who told the country that cutting police funding and officers would have no affect on crime ?
Me and the Mrs are frightened tbh. We are too regularly seeing mob rule all over the Country and little attempt to deal with it effectively.

It appears vogue now to be involved in protests, and I guess half of them there haven't a clue what there protesting about.

Unless something is done soon to reverse this trend, something serious will happen.
You know in Singapore, it's a $1,000 fine for littering. And they have plain clothes police officers patrolling and catching people. And you know what? The place is immaculate.

Do the people living in Singapore think it's a terrible place to live because their freedoms are impinged upon so much? Of course not. It's a great place to live.

Bringing such changes to the UK is not hard. It just requires political will to do so.
Don’t know if I’m right or wrong but during the tenure of successive Governments who claim to be the party of law and order it’s turned into a shit show . Was it May who told the country that cutting police funding and officers would have no affect on crime ?
I can only agree. It comes to something when the Daily Mail - the Tory Party standard bearer - prints this only a few weeks ago:

Justice in retreat: Damning probe reveals HALF of British police stations have closed in just ten years... with some being turned into cannabis farms or overrun with anarchist squatters​

  • At least 667 stations with front counters have been shut down since 2010
  • More have closed temporarily during the pandemic and could never reopen
  • Critics say the huge wave of closures show that 'justice is in retreat'
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