Wishy washy policing

Sorry I missed that line.

View attachment 13497

How many people were fined for littering, do you reckon?

BTW, here's Leeds yesterday. All in groups of no more than 6, of course:

View attachment 13498
What to do though? Send the police in in small numbers and they will be ignored. In large numbers then most folk would disperse, but a minority would sit there with their 25 mates claiming to be in groups of 6 and arguing about their rights. Eventually the ones with a chip on their shoulder would kick of, the police would then respond with arrests/removals. 20 mins later you'd get the photo of the peaceful (illegal) gathering you posted above, contrasted with an image of the police dealing with the idiots. We'll then be told we are in a facist police state, the police are the private army of a tory govt, and if one of those arrested happens to not be white or a woman....well you know the rest. You then get the police demonised on social media and corresponding protests for days afterwards.
I suspect in this case the police decided to leave the silly cunts above to giving each other covid.
Nope it's the shitstain of a political party that you keep voting for.

Even if the police had the manpower to clamp down which they don't, because, guess what, they're numbers have been cut over the past 10 years the courts don't have the capacity to deal with offenders, because guess what, the same clowns have been running down the criminal justice system. Cases are taking years to reach court and many are being dropped as not being in the public interest because it has taken so long to bring the case to court.

Party of law and order. What a fucking joke.

And I guess your version of lawless doesn't include your favourite politicians using tax payers money as if it were their own personal piggy bank.
I refer you to my post at the bottom of page 2.
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Not sure where this rant belongs so I am starting a thread.

I am sick and tired of the wishy-washy claptrap coming out of the mouths of our senior police officers in the face of blatant and flagrant law-breaking. Every time we here phrases such as "We urge the public to act responsibly", "Ask people to follow the guidelines" or "We're impressed at how the public have worked with us during this pandemic". Urge? Ask? Worked with??? WTF are they talking about.

Like most of you I am sure, I am tired of the COVID-19 restrictions and the impact its had upon our daily lives. I yearn for a return to the pub, to meeting friends, to holiday, to footy games. But also like most of you, I have followed the rules because I understand its important, not just for my safety but so that I don't inadvertently and unknowingly infect and possibly kill someone else.

So it absolutely makes my blood boils when I see people who don't give a toss, just doing what they like and breaking the rules. Not only is this a 2-finger salute to the rest of us, it increases spread of infection, raises the risks of new variants, prolongs the duration of disruption to all of our lives. It is in short, cuntish behaviour.

The response to such cuntish behaviour should not be "We ask members of the public to act responsibly". It should be "We require", or "We instruct", "We mandate". And not "Follow guidelines" either. "Obey the law".

I'd like to see Chief Constables making it very clear that their forces REQUIRE people to OBEY THE LAW or face arrest and criminal prosecution. Not this "work with us" bollocks. For FAR too many people in this country, the law seems to be a loose set of guidelines to be followed or ignored as you wish, without any consequence. This has to change. Not just with respect to COVID, but generally. We've slumped to dismal level of lack of respect, lack of personal responsibility and we need to get back some semblence of common decency, so we are not leaving tons of litter in parks for example. We need to start spelling out the RULES clearly and start enforcing them more rigorously. No more of this "Have a word" and "educate" bullshit. We need arrests, fines and punishments. And many, many, many more of them. The twats need to begin to realise that the law is not an optional thing they can ignore with impunity.

Just a gentle reminder that the political party you support have cut front line police by 23000 , closed 667 police stations and got rid of god only knows how many support staff since 2010.

You reap what you sow.
What to do though? Send the police in in small numbers and they will be ignored. In large numbers then most folk would disperse, but a minority would sit there with their 25 mates claiming to be in groups of 6 and arguing about their rights. Eventually the ones with a chip on their shoulder would kick of, the police would then respond with arrests/removals. 20 mins later you'd get the photo of the peaceful (illegal) gathering you posted above, contrasted with an image of the police dealing with the idiots. We'll then be told we are in a facist police state, the police are the private army of a tory govt, and if one of those arrested happens to not be white or a woman....well you know the rest. You then get the police demonised on social media and corresponding protests for days afterwards.
I suspect in this case the police decided to leave the silly cunts above to giving each other covid.
I know. It's a challenge.

It starts however with the police (and the government) using the right language in the first place and making it clear (a) what the rules are, i.e. what the law is, and (b) that breaking the law is unacceptable. Why we have to phrase it with the "ask people to work with us" bullshit, is quite beyond me.
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Just a gentle reminder that the political party you support have cut front line police by 23000 , closed 667 police stations and got rid of god only knows how many support staff since 2010.

You reap what you sow.
I refer you to my answer to dave blue above. And BTW, I support Conservative principles, not the political party you refer to per se. Unfortunately the other parties stand for fewer of the principles I hold dear, so voting for them is impossible. All but Labour are unable to form a government and I did not find Labour's inevitable swathes of tax increases on middle earners (not 1 or 2p here or there), even remotely acceptable.
I know. It's a challenge.

It starts however with the police (and the government) using the right language in the first place and making (a) what the rules are, i.e. what the law is, and (b) making it clear that breaking the law is unacceptable. Why we have to phrase it with the "ask people to work with us" bullshit, is quite beyond me.
Going back to your point about police leadership, like the heads of the armed forces they are more politicians than 'soldiers'. Cressida Dick at the met needs to tread a line that supports her force, but also doesn't feed the anti-establishment / police state loons delusions
Need not mean tax hikes - just proper control over spending - not just the PPE scandal but there is a waste of space HS2 project that could/should be abandoned or postponed as given the pandemic I doubt the demand will be anything like predicted - then there's the bridge to Ireland/Magic Roundabout tunnel - its a fantasy I know but hundreds of millions of pounds will be spaffed on advisors, specialists and feasibility studies to conclude what we already know - its a non-starter. Thats just some money that could be found or not wasted that could be spent on the Courts and the Police.

Just collect the correct level of Corporation tax .... thats all thats needed.

If you paid £7 for your Netflix subscription last month ... you paid £7 more than Netflix did in UK Corporation tax last year.
I refer you to my answer to dave blue above. And BTW, I support Conservative principles, not the political party you refer to per se. Unfortunately the other parties stand for fewer of the principles I hold dear, so voting for them is impossible. All but Labour are unable to form a government and I did not find Labour's inevitable swathes of tax increases on middle earners (not 1 or 2p here or there), even remotely acceptable.

labour proposed nil tax increases on anyone earning below £80,000 in their manifesto.
Just collect the correct level of Corporation tax .... thats all thats needed.

If you paid £7 for your Netflix subscription last month ... you paid £7 more than Netflix did in UK Corporation tax last year.
Of course, how silly no-one thought of that sooner.
labour proposed nil tax increases on anyone earning below £80,000 in their manifesto.

A FAR less left-wing Blair/Brown government with FAR less ambitious spending plans, introduced about 150 different stealth taxes. You are incredibly naive if you think a Corbyn government would have funded all their plans without taxing middle earners. Scrub the "if".

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