Won't somebody please think of the children?


Well-Known Member
1 Aug 2009
I’m 29 and have supported city all my life. The first year I had a season ticket we were relegated to Division 2. Until last year I had never seen City win anything apart from a 2nd division play off and the first division. Yet despite this I still loved city and nothing would stop me supporting them. I loved the cult heroes we had like Goater, Morrison etc and being able to laugh at ourselves was a big part of being a blue.

Winning the FA cup and genuinely challenging for the title are things I thought I may never see. I’m not someone who wishes we were still rubbish or did it the right way. I’m over the moon that we are finally seeing success and long may it continue.

But my worry is what the effect of this success is having on my kids. They are six and nine and got their first season ticket this season. So they haven’t seen us lose at home once in fact they haven’t even seen us draw at home. They have seen us win the FA cup and sit on top of the league for most of this season. They are watching some of the best players in the world in city shirts and will more than likely witness success after success.

I asked my six year old what he would do if city were rubbish. Fair enough he is only six but he said “I’d support someone else”. They’re singing about scoring when we want and burning clubs down. I was brought up singing about losing at home and losing away.

So what I’m worried about is having them grow up to act like arrogant rags. Has anyone else thought about this? And how can we stop it happening?
make them watch past videos of when we were shit and tell them about our history
another generation said:
Move to a part of the ground where there's no singing, just moaning and complaining.
didnt know bluemoon forum had their own section?
another generation said:
Move to a part of the ground where there's no singing, just moaning and complaining.

that wont be hard then ;)
I asked my six year old what he would do if city were rubbish. Fair enough he is only six but he said “I’d support someone else”. They’re singing about scoring when we want and burning clubs down. I was brought up singing about losing at home and losing away.

give him a good hiding if he says that again
My nephew's first game was the Sven home derby when Geovanni scored the winner.

I thought, you lucky little bleeder.

Maybe instead of the montage of us winning and scoring they play on the screens before the game they should show Raddy Antic, York away and the Simon Tracy derby, just to keep folk grounded.
I work at a school and the Rag traits i always hated when i was at school (im also 29) have already started to become a trait with young City fans.

But I've also heard at games and read on here loads of bullshit, as if I've been beamed to Old Trafford in 2001, coming out of older Blues. I'm talking in their 50's+.

I think what's happened is loads of Blues have spent a lot of time with or thinking about Rags throughout their life and their bad traits have rubbed off on them. They haven't shown themselves over the years, because we haven't been good, but now we are and the traits are coming to the fore.

Loads of Blues are still the grounded and realistic; but many are a reincarnation of a Rag over the last 20 years. Many genuinely believe Spurs are a joke, United's players are shit, and have the attitude that clubs who've won as much [and more] than us we have are beneath us now because we have a load of money.
SteWadda said:
I’m 29 and have supported city all my life. The first year I had a season ticket we were relegated to Division 2. Until last year I had never seen City win anything apart from a 2nd division play off and the first division. Yet despite this I still loved city and nothing would stop me supporting them. I loved the cult heroes we had like Goater, Morrison etc and being able to laugh at ourselves was a big part of being a blue.

Winning the FA cup and genuinely challenging for the title are things I thought I may never see. I’m not someone who wishes we were still rubbish or did it the right way. I’m over the moon that we are finally seeing success and long may it continue.

But my worry is what the effect of this success is having on my kids. They are six and nine and got their first season ticket this season. So they haven’t seen us lose at home once in fact they haven’t even seen us draw at home. They have seen us win the FA cup and sit on top of the league for most of this season. They are watching some of the best players in the world in city shirts and will more than likely witness success after success.

I asked my six year old what he would do if city were rubbish. Fair enough he is only six but he said “I’d support someone else”. They’re singing about scoring when we want and burning clubs down. I was brought up singing about losing at home and losing away.

So what I’m worried about is having them grow up to act like arrogant rags. Has anyone else thought about this? And how can we stop it happening?
you are not being a good father.They need to be taught to be pessimistic and understand supporting city will cause them untold year's of misery.This is what us older city fan's have had to go through so i think it unfair if they don't.

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