Won't somebody please think of the children?

I hear you (6 and 7 year old boys)...and have been having the same concerns. It's very weird to have my boys saying "city are the best aren't they dad"...and to say yes without lying.

In the build up to the Utd v L'pool game, they did a piece on the number of trophies...and my boy was stunned to hear utd had won so much (we don't talk about it)...however it gave me an "in" to explain a bit of history. I'm sure it was in one ear and out the other though.

My boys are also growing up in Canada and I'm torn between wanting to see city win everything in sight for the foreseeable future...and the knowledge my boys will be tagged as out of town glory hunters.

I'm not that torn though...win the lot I say and my boys will just have to fend for themselves!!!

Lets win everything first (a for a couple of decades then), then we can sort out who sounds arrogant!
most of it's deserved pay back to the rags, i'm gobby as fuck to any previously mouthy utd fans but when i go up to see my mate in leeds at uni i have decent conversation with the leeds fans up there.
Wish I was 6 or 9 again!
Taking my little girl, who is 5 to her first game for the return against Porto, hope she grows up arrogant instead of being a laughing stock like all us blues did back in the day.
Rayray 45 years old CTID!!!
stephenhawking'sfootballboots said:
He's only 6 and probably just enjoys watching good football and following a team that's winning, nothing unusual about that. I doubt at age 6 he's going to fully understand the passion and loyalty surrounding supporting city but he will do in no time. Don't think you need to worry about that. Like seeing threads like this, just goes to show how well were doing if this is all we have to worry about.

I take my 6 year old sometimes, and i got my 1st ST when i was 6, my best part of the match was HT when i used to meet another kid and we used to take pens at each other with a few plastic cups put together, and my 6 year old is more bothered about messing about! Watching good football has nothing to do with anything for kids that young! Bragging rites in the playground maybe but nothing else!
SteWadda said:
So what I’m worried about is having them grow up to act like arrogant rags. Has anyone else thought about this? And how can we stop it happening?

Record yourself belting out "We never win at home and we never win away" and play it to them as they sleep. They'll be humming the tune by breakfast. Even though it obviously doesn't happen nearly as much nowadays, I still do enjoy singing that song. Lightens up the otherwise dreary mood.
Every generation should learn from and therefore be an improvement on the generation that went before.

Your kids will be Blues in what we all hope will be a wonderful time to be a part of the Club and disappointments are therefore all relative. Plus you can always remind them of the hard shift that a lot of us have put in to earn them that right!

But in my view what sets City fans apart from the rags is our core values and these span the generations.

Unless it involves the rags (rightly) - pretty much every City fan I know has this in their DNA: magnanimous in victory, dignified in defeat, in your face when it comes to banter/piss-take but always rooted in respect for the opposition. And never losing sight of where we have come from to get to where we are today.

I'm sure your kids will turn-out just the same.

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