
I find the following list of most frequently occurring letters in 5 letter words a big help when selecting my word choices:
Letter, frequency
S : 3033
E : 3009
A : 2348
O : 1915
R : 1910
I : 1592
L : 1586
T : 1585
N : 1285
D : 1181
U : 1089
C : 964
P : 955
Y : 886
M : 843
H : 814
B : 715
G : 679
K : 596
F : 561
W : 505
V : 318
X : 139
Z : 135
J : 89
Q : 53
So… arose will be my new starting word!
Got it on the 3rd, first time I got it under four in a good while.

Does anybody use the same word as their first guess? I use audio every time as it has four vowels in it and if none of them hit I know it'll have an E in it.
I start with abide, then cough - all the vowels and 5/6 of the first six consonants. I then try and find the remaining letters before working out the solution. Did today's in four.
I start with abide, then cough - all the vowels and 5/6 of the first six consonants. I then try and find the remaining letters before working out the solution. Did today's in four.

Very similar to me. Start with aisle and then proud.
Based on the letter count in five letter words, posted above, I'm going to switch to TRAIN and SOLED, which use the top ten most common letters.

Thinking about it, LOANS and then TIRED would probably be even better as I imagine S and D are the most common last letters.

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