
I'm ignoying like everyone here, while I peak fest on my totally rad, awesometastic splunch..ya
I'm so used to see people spelling 'lose' as 'loose' that I think it must be the new accepted way to spell it and that schools now teach it.
Rascal said:
whp.blue said:
Rascal said:
I prefer the better known FUCKWITS to describe our far right nutjobs.

Simple but effective.

You must have some form of filter that notifies you whenever the term LWNJ is used!

No it is when Badaud is used, im a fan of Voltaire ;)

Very good

I thought people may have picked up on Ganosis much more obscure imho
It's funny how we accept new words into our language whilst failing to learn and use thousands of existing words,
Modern culture is ruining our language. I accept that this is how our language has developed but never at the pace of the modern day.

The English language is dying because of electronic media. I find it increasingly difficult to spell and construct sentences correctly. I have become as lazy as the next man using spell check etc however even that can be overlooked and most people don't seem to mind.
Yes the English language is changing and has changed over the centuries mostly for the better, by getting rid of the needless crap that the other euro languages persist with. For instance we don't have a gender for everything, so adjectives, pronouns and all the other stuff does not have to agree. We always put adjectives in front of nouns instead of swapping them around at will. We don't have polite and familiar forms of verbs. We don't tend to use 3 words when 1 will do. We only need 1 word for 'the', the Spanish have 4 and the Italians have 6 for fucks sake. We always use the personal pronoun (me, you, it. etc,) where the Spanish omit it so you don't know who the fuck they are talking about. I could go on. So if Johnny Foreigner wants us to learn his fucking lingo he can damn well clear it up and get rid of all the shite or he can fucking well speak English. Rant over. Carry on.

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