Work toilets

bluealf said:
Cock watchers everywhere.



Ta might print this and stick It on the toilet door tomorrow
I've heard these sort of comments before and never understood the big deal.

How does anybody even devote 30 seconds of their life worrying about this?

You need a piss - go piss? If somebody happens to be in the adjoining urinal, I assume they are primarily there to piss - rather than watch me piss. If they happen to be watching me piss, I'm unlikely to notice and less likely to care. If, ultimately, they are, without my knowledge, watching me piss and getting a cheap thrill then good luck to them...........whatever gets you through your day.

Same deal for blokes who practically wrap themselves in duvets when leaving a changing room shower. As far as I'm concerned - save yourself the trouble - I could care less.
My favourite is when someone is having a dump and you walk in for a pee. Most people tend to politely hold it in until they hear the door close as you leave.

Only you haven't left, as you close the door you hear the mighty heave and splash. Just say 'ohh you dirty bastard'. The confused silence is awesome.

Yes I'm weird.
Mate, if you saw the toilets where i work, you'd never go near them. I work with some right dirty fuckers. I refuse to shit when i'm at work, if they think i'm placing my arse on them things then they're very much mistaken.
The thing that I hate when using the urinal is when your about to have a piss and someone comes in and starts talking bollocks to you. I hate it dont mind talking to people but not when I am having a piss. Does my head right in.
leighton said:
The thing that I hate when using the urinal is when your about to have a piss and someone comes in and starts talking bollocks to you. I hate it dont mind talking to people but not when I am having a piss. Does my head right in.

Try having someone show you his new tattoo, just above his penile mustache. NOT GOOD
I always piss in the urinal, it doesn't matter if there is someone else next to you, i'm not staring at them or their thing so it's no problem.

The poo thing i find funny. I will sit and shit and grunt if the session demands it and to hell with whoever is in the toilet. I am having a shit. That's it.

Yesterday i went for my mid-morning read of the paper and the cubicle door next to me was closed. They, whoever it was, were very quiet. As soon as i started grunting, even got a bit of back splash on the go, they quickly fucked off leaving me to enjoy my 20 minutes of fame in peace.

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