Worst Goalkeeper

Dibble was fine in that initial period from signing until being replaced by Coton (an obvious and enormous upgrade). But he was pretty atrocious whenever he came back into the team after that - I remember the game we lost at home to Oxford around 96/97, where he let in a cross from near the corner flag, then got lobbed on his goal line by two looping headers.
With the exception of Seaman and Ellegard, you've simply listed every keeper since the 80's we've had on loan apart from Cooper, Arneson (or however you spell his name) and Fulop.
A bit harsh on Mimms as he played one game and I think Stowell played twice. Certainly no more than three times.
Fair point re mimms and stowell. I stand by that they were shit though ;)
Can’t be arsed trawling back through 39 pages, but surely someone must have put Perry Suckling’s name in the hat ?? Jeez he was Dog and Duck reserve standard. Flapped more than a Charleston girl and was worse than Dracula with crosses…….. referring to him as a goalkeeper actually breached the trade descriptions act
We have had many a fine goalkeeper over the years, names like Trautman, Corrigan, Coton, Hart, to name but a few and we have been renowned over the years for the quality of our goalkeepers. But we've also had some terrible ones as well, the one who sticks in my mind is Barry Sidall, even though he was only on loan, I really thought he wasn't very good. What goalies do you remember playing for us, and being absolutely dire ?.
I think they all did there best for us for me the problem is never the player more the person who thought they were good enough.

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