Worst Managerial Decision Ever By a City Manager

Didsbury Dave

Well-Known Member
1 Feb 2007
In all the years you've been going, what's the worst managerial decision ever by a City manager?

We've just started this discussion in the Nedum thread and the first two were:

Keegan leaving out Berkovic after falling out with him
Royle leaving out Kinkladze when we got relegated.

Any to add?

I predict 100 pages...
Well if it's true as you say that Bellers and Mancini don't like each other but he still plays him then I'd have

Hughes not playing Elano as a pretty bad decision as we have been lacking in the creative department ever since.

Obviously a prima donna but a good player nevertheless.
Hughes playing Micah at LB against Boro, Micah has an absolute stinker, resulting in defeat.

What does Hughes do against Bolton? Plays Micah at LB again, resulting in another defeat if memory serves me correctly.
Mel Machin playing Gerry Taggart as left full back against Blackburn in the late 80's.... Shocking.
In no particular order.....

-Royle not picking Gio (Don't anyone dare tell me it was the correct decision when we got relegated anyway!)

- Hughes putting Fernades at right back against Liverpool when we had a RB (Richards) and a centre half (Kompany) on the pitch. Gelson in midfield, Richards to right back and move Kompany from midfield to centre half. Job done. Unfortunately, this howler cost us the game.

- David Brightwell selected in the 5-0 (Horton)

- Horton sittiing back on the lead in the 2-3 Derby and not getting a grip of Cantona.

- Ball not picking Coton and continuing to pick Eike fucking Immell.

I really could go on all day!
losing 1-0 v united, last home game of the season, nothing but pride to play for, gmr interviewed pearce after the game and asked why we didnt go more attacking, and he said we were more likely to concede another goal rather than equalise, this on the back of not scoring at home for months.

stuart pearce a national treasure and a complete fraud.
Pearce thinking that Samaras, Corradi, Dickov and Vassell would be good options up front in the 06/07 season.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Allison buying and playing Rodney Marsh when he (a) wasn't fit enough (b) was the wrong player and (c) disrupted a successful team on the ru-in to the title.

Not often we agree on things. But I have to say that is a good shout.

Years later Keegans's purchase of Asprilla similarly derailed Newcastle's title ambitions.

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