Worst Managerial Decision Ever By a City Manager

1_barry_conlon said:
Anything Pearce did. The only manager to have ever made me walk out of a game at half time. Funny thing was when we got to the Marble Arch on Rochdale Rd it was already full of other blues who were of the same opinion.

He was the neutron bomb of management. Like someone said previously, he was/is a fraud.

That day at Ewood Park when a number of people snapped and there were loud chants for Pearce's head was like a catharsis for me. I came out of the ground slightly elated despite the awful depressing situation we were in.

Awful manager.
Ricster said:
Hughes playing Micah at LB against Boro, Micah has an absolute stinker, resulting in defeat.

What does Hughes do against Bolton? Plays Micah at LB again, resulting in another defeat if memory serves me correctly.
Didn't he also play him in midfield early on too, maybe against that team from Denmark that nearly knocked us out?
m27 said:
1_barry_conlon said:
Anything Pearce did. The only manager to have ever made me walk out of a game at half time. Funny thing was when we got to the Marble Arch on Rochdale Rd it was already full of other blues who were of the same opinion.

He was the neutron bomb of management. Like someone said previously, he was/is a fraud.

That day at Ewood Park when a number of people snapped and there were loud chants for Pearce's head was like a catharsis for me. I came out of the ground slightly elated despite the awful depressing situation we were in.

Awful manager.
limited funds with an already ageing and depleted squad. nearly got us in to europe and in doing so achieved our highest premier league finish until this season. brought in joe hart for a minimal fee. brought nedum, micah, johnson, ireland in to the first team. i think some of the stick he gets is quite harsh. keegan left us in crippling debt so we needed to reduce the wage bill and sell players. we sold shauny who at that time was our only inspiring player. the thing that pearce did wrong was 6million on samaras. that was pearces one big signing and it failed and ultimately led to us only scoring ten home goals all season with some pretty dismal football. having said that it could have been a lot, lot worse.
hughes picking vassel ahead of elano, playing swp in centre midfield... the first couple of times I defended hughes.... but then it became clear vassel's form was so astonishingly wretched.... and hughes kept doing it, week after week.
jdt28 said:
Alan Ball telling Steve Lomas to keep the ball at the corner flag in a 2-2 deaw with Liverpool, when a point meant we were relegated.

+ 1 By far the earliest howler that I can actually remember myself. The earlier happenings that people have been talking about I've only read about or heard second-hand from my Dad. I was only 8 at the time and I was berating Alan Ball for being a complete numpty - that's when you know you've fucked up.
Hughes/Cook selling Richard Dunne

Mancini playing Micah Richards

Mancini not playing Stephen Ireland or Nedum Onouha

Mancini playing negative football instead of letting the lads get out there and go for it in too many games this season.

Hughes not changing his tactics when we had so many draws over that winter period. We would have been in the CL but for that.

Everything that Brian Horton ever did!!
Chick Counterfly said:
hughes picking vassel ahead of elano, playing swp in centre midfield... the first couple of times I defended hughes.... but then it became clear vassel's form was so astonishingly wretched.... and hughes kept doing it, week after week.

and then to add insult to injury playing Kelvin Ethuhu instead of Elano against Fulham last season, probably one of our worst games of the year.

Hughes going back to Blackburn THREE TIMES with increased offers for Rocky Santa Cruz

And David Brightwell at LB in the 5-0 at OT
davymcfc said:
m27 said:
That day at Ewood Park when a number of people snapped and there were loud chants for Pearce's head was like a catharsis for me. I came out of the ground slightly elated despite the awful depressing situation we were in.

Awful manager.
limited funds with an already ageing and depleted squad. nearly got us in to europe and in doing so achieved our highest premier league finish until this season. brought in joe hart for a minimal fee. brought nedum, micah, johnson, ireland in to the first team. i think some of the stick he gets is quite harsh. keegan left us in crippling debt so we needed to reduce the wage bill and sell players. we sold shauny who at that time was our only inspiring player. the thing that pearce did wrong was 6million on samaras. that was pearces one big signing and it failed and ultimately led to us only scoring ten home goals all season with some pretty dismal football. having said that it could have been a lot, lot worse.

Some things went right for him but rabble rousing and passionate speeches will only get you so far in the Premier League. He was found out and I think he knows his limitations now also.

I don't expect him to ever return to club management.

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