Worst place you've ever visited/driven through in the UK?

Lomas has a lob on

Well-Known Member
20 Jun 2009
I'm not telling you
I drive for a living and consider myself quite forutunate to see lots of the UK, anyway I live down in Somerset, and today I had to go to Liverpool, well Aintree, then to Alderly Edge, then last by no means least Merther Tydfil, sorry if anyone on here lives there, but what a hole, believe me you get in and out of there, SHARP. Scary scary place.
Dove Holes near Buxton,actually got voted the worst place to live in Britain. Major depressing place,but not sure if its worse than edge hill,merthyr etc.
whilst trying to figure out a decent route back to the m62 on the way out of eastlands (i now go through cheetham hill and bury if anyone can suggest better) i took a wrong turning once and ended up driving right through oldham. i thought i'd travelled back in time for a while. i didn't see one bit of that town that looked acceptable. there are more desirable locations in jalalabad.
A journey starting in the city centre and travelling along Oldham road for a few miles is just about as grim as you can get in the UK.

Hyde Rd and Ashton Old Road are nearly as bad.

East Manchester has to be one of the grimmest places in the UK.
Bradford (West Yorkshire) always gets me down, everyone seems so suspicious and angry there and I don't like the stone they use to make the buildings. It looks so depressing when it gets wet, which to be fair is pretty regularly.

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