Worst place you've ever visited/driven through in the UK?

There are plenty of shit rough places in London. When driving there all four doors locked always.
The old man phoned me at half seven this morning to say he'd been scheduled to work in Huyton and if I didn't hear from him by lunchtime, could I please contact the nearest AC-130 gunship and inform his bird he wasn't coming back.
about 15 years ago I was in the Beer Keller in town and me and my mate pulled these two fit scouse birds who were on a hen do (I know they're scousers but I was on a dry patch). We agreed to go and meet them and have a night out in Liverpool. We met them at The Arkles pub outside Anfield and followed them to where they lived, unfortunately it turned out to be Huyton, we drove down their road and it was like going back to the fifties (as I've seen it on telly etc), the road had no tarmac, just rubble, and literally everybody were out of the front of their houses and shouting/swearing at each other. As we drove down the street they all shut up and stared at me and my mate like we were aliens. We went out for the night and then back to their place, I was in bed with this bird and at about 4 in the morning I was awoken by the sound of thud, thud, thud...then there was a break.....then thud, thud, thud, I turned to this bird and asked what the f*ck is that banging noise? she replied "oh its just the kids, they go into the centre and nick cars, they then get the Police to follow them into the estate and brick the Police cars" the thuds were the bricks hitting the cars, she said this just like it was just a normal activity. It was like being in a warzone, the worst thing was outside the house was my brand new car parked amongst the rubble! I lay there all night worrying about my motor and we made a sharp exit first thing, we never went back!
1. Once got taken off the M62 and diverted through Dewsbury. Fuckin hell I can't begin to describe that shit hole!
2. There is a road that runs from Glasgow to Edinburgh parallel with the motorway, A8 perhaps. Every town it goes through is grey, grim and utterly depressing.

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