worst supporters

Kippax Street 1880 said:
Fucking stoke fans, all tossers with no exceptions, you even know the 5 year olds wearing replica shirts are going to turn into fat obnoxious rapists.

I couldn't agree more.

I used to live in Stoke and knew lots of racist Stoke fans.

A few were OK, though.
rags defo

i was 14 (now 32) and i was walking down near their ground when 3 guys looked in early 20s knew i was a blue and started laying into me, never hated people so much in my life
buzzer1 said:
davymcfc said:
kicked off at sheff united in the cup but that was city fans aswell.

Evton, end of.

Suppose it depends on where you exit and where you've parked yer car. Took a couple of BlueDippers to the match last season and the season before. Walked back to the car, had a pleasant chat with on EFC lady and asked her what would she think if her son had forsaken her team and tootled off down the East Lancs to support MANUre? No chance she said, he's 'ere! And last season chatted to an EFC fan on the walk back down Walton Road and praised him for purchasing King of the Kippax! I don't mind EFC - there's worse a bit nearer home!
ChippyPerthBlue said:

when they came into the North Stand, big hard fcuking men, total wankers hitting anything in sight, can`t stand the supporters.

Show their true clours with less thsn 20000 turning up now, inbred wankers.
Mate I remember that well, I had to pass my son who was only a nipper then, down a few rows coz I thought we'd cop it and the bill were slow reacting whilst families were getting slapped and punched by the dirty pikey tee-siders. I wouldn't have minded but we gave them a real fans welcome in the Princes Arms beforehand - wankers!!
I remember a tale went round some years about a bunch of Leeds fans who beat up a little kid - something like an 8 year old black girl - in Platt Fields. That struck me as being about as low as it gets.

As to Everton, over the years I've seen more trouble at City (home games) from individual Everton fans than anyone else. Though I admit the cases I recall were generally 1 on 1, and for an away fan to start a boxing match in the middle of the Kippax, as I remember one doing, at least shows a bit more bottle than beating up little girls.

Boro? It's a total shit hole. I doubt there's anywhere worse in England. Makes Scouse City look like Hollywood. Even Stoke isn't as unreservedly crappy.

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