Worst thing you have ever done....

Fingered a bird I was 'going out with' up the arse in class at school. We were all leaning over the old style chemistry lab benches watching some experiment or other.

I sneaked up behind her pulled her knickers to the side and slipped my finger up her arse.

I then wiped the little bit of shite on my finger discretely on some little chinese lad's blazer.

Naughty that. I was a proper rascal at school me.
Stoned Rose said:
Fingered a bird I was 'going out with' up the arse in class at school. We were all leaning over the old style chemistry lab benches watching some experiment or other.

I sneaked up behind her pulled her knickers to the side and slipped my finger up her arse.

I then wiped the little bit of shite on my finger discretely on some little chinese lad's blazer.

Naughty that. I was a proper rascal at school me.

Worst chemistry teacher ever.
Stoned Rose said:
Fingered a bird I was 'going out with' up the arse in class at school. We were all leaning over the old style chemistry lab benches watching some experiment or other.

I sneaked up behind her pulled her knickers to the side and slipped my finger up her arse.

I then wiped the little bit of shite on my finger discretely on some little chinese lad's blazer.

Naughty that. I was a proper rascal at school me.

You bloody chemistry teachers.......
CTID1988 said:
Was in Asda in Hulme before, it was rammed. I was constantly being smashed with trolleys up and down the aisles, it happened easily 10 times. I finally got to the point where i thought "Right, next person who does that is getting it"..A few seconds later i feel a thud in the back of my leg, i turn round shouting "Can you watch where you are going YOU FUC......"... low and behold, its a woman pushing her disabled child. I wanted to climb into a hole and die. I apologised as much as i could, explaining what had happened beforehand, but she wasnt having any of it.

Probably not the worst thing ive ever done, but definitely feels like it, how about you?

Just thought, i once shat in my mates mum and dads bed after a house party. Left it and scarpered sharpish[/quote

Should she be excused from running into the back of your legs just for having a disabled kid?
Stoned Rose said:
Fingered a bird I was 'going out with' up the arse in class at school. We were all leaning over the old style chemistry lab benches watching some experiment or other.

I sneaked up behind her pulled her knickers to the side and slipped my finger up her arse.

I then wiped the little bit of shite on my finger discretely on some little chinese lad's blazer.

Naughty that. I was a proper rascal at school me.

anything thats says fingered a bird up the arse in a classroom wins, well done your the winner

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