Would you accept an openly gay footballer at the club?

JoeMercer'sWay said:
peoffrey said:
All Religious people are homophobic? All Non-Religious people aren't homophobic? What a ridiculous statement to make!

There's some deep homophobia out there which exists in people who haven't read a word of The Bible or The Koran. I'm also fairly sure it's possible to tolerate something that you yourself don't agree with!

Deary me. Deary, deary me.

I never said that, a said a "backwards, narrow minded, religious person".

If I wanted to refer to all people of any religion i'd have gone "religious people", but as I'm baptised as a catholic that would include myself and that would be a contradiction.

I'm just pointing that some of those countries stated above ban homosexuality because it is against their religion, and having been to a Catholic school know the disdain that many of them have for even talking about homosexuality, the great discomfort they have when you mention it or question them on it.

Of course there are a number of non-religious people who disagree with it, but I can't justify in my own mind a very good reason for non-religious people to not accept it, because at the end of the day I'd like to think the majority of people would like everybody else to be comfortable and happy in life, but I guess that is idealistic.

It's interesting that you state you're a Catholic yet use terms like "religious fairytales" in your argument. I know a few of you are pretty self-loathing but not usually to that extreme! If the believers do believe something then they should have no problem in talking about it.

Why do homophobes hate Gay people? I don't know. Because it's different to them? It's that tribal mentality. It's simply not safe for Gay people to openly show affection for their Partners in the street or even be a little honest about their sexual preference for fear of persecution. There was a case in the news recently where a Gay man was murdered in Traflagar Square in London by 2 Girls and a Guy who had a problem with it. No respect for a life.
peoffrey said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
I never said that, a said a "backwards, narrow minded, religious person".

If I wanted to refer to all people of any religion i'd have gone "religious people", but as I'm baptised as a catholic that would include myself and that would be a contradiction.

I'm just pointing that some of those countries stated above ban homosexuality because it is against their religion, and having been to a Catholic school know the disdain that many of them have for even talking about homosexuality, the great discomfort they have when you mention it or question them on it.

Of course there are a number of non-religious people who disagree with it, but I can't justify in my own mind a very good reason for non-religious people to not accept it, because at the end of the day I'd like to think the majority of people would like everybody else to be comfortable and happy in life, but I guess that is idealistic.

It's interesting that you state you're a Catholic yet use terms like "religious fairytales" in your argument. I know a few of you are pretty self-loathing but not usually to that extreme! If the believers do believe something then they should have no problem in talking about it.

Why do homophobes hate Gay people? I don't know. Because it's different to them? It's that tribal mentality. It's simply not safe for Gay people to openly show affection for their Partners in the street or even be a little honest about their sexual preference for fear of persecution. There was a case in the news recently where a Gay man was murdered in Traflagar Square in London by 2 Girls and a Guy who had a problem with it. No respect for a life.

I'm baptised a Catholic, however I vehemently disagree with a lot of what is taught, and for me it is a load of "fairytales" and hypocritical as there is nothing more unnatural that an immaculate conception!.
peoffrey said:
It's interesting that you state you're a Catholic yet use terms like "religious fairytales" in your argument. I know a few of you are pretty self-loathing but not usually to that extreme! If the believers do believe something then they should have no problem in talking about it.

Why do homophobes hate Gay people? I don't know. Because it's different to them? It's that tribal mentality. It's simply not safe for Gay people to openly show affection for their Partners in the street or even be a little honest about their sexual preference for fear of persecution. There was a case in the news recently where a Gay man was murdered in Traflagar Square in London by 2 Girls and a Guy who had a problem with it. No respect for a life.
He said he went to a Catholic school, but this doesn't mean he is still religious.
Yes as long as he is instrumental in improving our first teams chances of winning every week and I am sure all the players feel and think the same way.

I couldn't care less what his sexual preference is as long as he improves the team and that goes for every player that plays for City.

Its the ones who like to play the field with teammates partners in mind that you have to be concerned about.

You would think most of the ones married or not as the case may be who like multiple partners at the same time and in the same session (lol) ould have the sense to pick partners not involved in the football club.
Clubber said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Besides we play in England, and homosexuality is accepted here, so at the club, yes I would, as should everybody, unless, as I've previously stated you're a backwards, narrow-minded, religious person.

Aren't you also being narrow minded by just disregarding someones beliefs with a simplistic view and generalised statement.

I have no problem with gay people, and people should be judged on their character, not sexual orientations or beliefs. Being gay is unnatural, as the basis of nature is to procreate, but this doesnt mean being gay is a bad thing. Lots of things done today are unnatural, but it doesn't mean it's 'terrible'. As I said, it's all about the character of the individual.

As a point of information, Homosexuality is not "unnatural' but is just one manifestation of sexuality that occurs in many species including humans. The majority of sexual activity that takes place, for example, amongst Giraffes is male on male. There are a number of reasons why it may be advantageous in a evolutionary sense for a proportion of a population not to reproduce.
peoffrey said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
I never said that, a said a "backwards, narrow minded, religious person".

If I wanted to refer to all people of any religion i'd have gone "religious people", but as I'm baptised as a catholic that would include myself and that would be a contradiction.

I'm just pointing that some of those countries stated above ban homosexuality because it is against their religion, and having been to a Catholic school know the disdain that many of them have for even talking about homosexuality, the great discomfort they have when you mention it or question them on it.

Of course there are a number of non-religious people who disagree with it, but I can't justify in my own mind a very good reason for non-religious people to not accept it, because at the end of the day I'd like to think the majority of people would like everybody else to be comfortable and happy in life, but I guess that is idealistic.

It's interesting that you state you're a Catholic yet use terms like "religious fairytales" in your argument. I know a few of you are pretty self-loathing but not usually to that extreme! If the believers do believe something then they should have no problem in talking about it.

Why do homophobes hate Gay people? I don't know. Because it's different to them? It's that tribal mentality. It's simply not safe for Gay people to openly show affection for their Partners in the street or even be a little honest about their sexual preference for fear of persecution. There was a case in the news recently where a Gay man was murdered in Traflagar Square in London by 2 Girls and a Guy who had a problem with it. No respect for a life.

I posted this earlier in the thread...

The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8772014" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8772014</a>
Lucky Toma said:
I've got no problem with some of the posters on this thread who say they would struggle to accept a footballer coming out whilst being a City player.

I'm not naive and realise that such attitudes are still prevelent with some folk and I'm not going to change your minds. Plus I admire your honestly and there has been much less nastiness than I anticipated when I first saw the thread appear.

Personally, however, I couldnt care less what the sexual preference is of another human being. It literally doesnt bother me in the slightest and I cannot understand why it would to others.

That being said, if the first player to 'come out' was a City player our image would be wonderfully enhanced globally. So perhaps initially it would be of interest to me.
We would be viewed as a progressive, liberal-minded, modern football club all around the world.

And that first occasion when opposition fans mocked our player and we sang in his defence would be an occasion when I would be prouder than ever before of being a blue.

Youve got one
we've got 2
we've got one
more puff than you
with a nic nac pady whack
give a dog a bone
alan car is on the phone.

Not got a problem with it at all, in fact the cabaret night at blues used to be the best night
I had a dog called kippax who came out and although I was comfortable with it at first I got used to it, in fact I sometimes look back with affection at the times he straddled an unsuspecting retriever.

That said I like to think of foootball as being straight, maybe naive, but you see I can't dance, sing, rubbish at interior decorating but used to play a decent level of footie. I like to think there are certain things that form that and sneaking your meat round the back like a crafty butcher makes you far more likely to do a double piroette in swan lake.

And before your all get ancy about that - I've worked, socialised with a hell of a lot of gays, if my kids came out i'be be the most supporting person around but I don't want to watch a footballer getting abused also. the basketball player who had strong things to say would probably disagree with me but then he came out after his career so if he was so strong he should have done it himself. I can think of 2 leading sportsmen who have come who committed arry carry after coming out so its a massive subject.

For the gay fans I think you want it to happen more than others to justify yourselves, to everyone else it aint that important.
cheekybids said:
I had a dog called kippax who came out and although I was comfortable with it at first I got used to it, in fact I sometimes look back with affection at the times he straddled an unsuspecting retriever.

That said I like to think of foootball as being straight, maybe naive, but you see I can't dance, sing, rubbish at interior decorating but used to play a decent level of footie. I like to think there are certain things that form that and sneaking your meat round the back like a crafty butcher makes you far more likely to do a double piroette in swan lake.

And before your all get ancy about that - I've worked, socialised with a hell of a lot of gays, if my kids came out i'be be the most supporting person around but I don't want to watch a footballer getting abused also. the basketball player who had strong things to say would probably disagree with me but then he came out after his career so if he was so strong he should have done it himself. I can think of 2 leading sportsmen who have come who committed arry carry after coming out so its a massive subject.

For the gay fans I think you want it to happen more than others to justify yourselves, to everyone else it aint that important.

LOL @ "makes you far more likely to do a double piroette in swan lake."


Yes I know the basketball player he claims everyone should come out even though he came out when he retired. Noone should be forced to out themselves. Thats why I used to term "openly gay" as in they have come out themselves and have no qualms.

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