Would you grass

Cheesy said:
black mamba said:
If they'd done something against me or my family and i had a hatred of them then yes .... otherwise no.

In a country where some employers don't even want to pay you the minimum wage i find it hard to blame people for attempting to 'playing the system' , or getting away with what they can ....... you can work a lifetime yet come out of it with next to nothing.

That next to nothing would be a few quid more if benefit fraudsters hadn't stolen nearly a billion pounds of taxpayers money.

Surely you're not naive enough to believe that anything the government recoup from things like this ends up back where it really should ..... back in the hands of the needy ....... that's just pie in the sky government talk to try to appease the masses , we all know the reality.
black mamba said:
Cheesy said:
black mamba said:
If they'd done something against me or my family and i had a hatred of them then yes .... otherwise no.

In a country where some employers don't even want to pay you the minimum wage i find it hard to blame people for attempting to 'playing the system' , or getting away with what they can ....... you can work a lifetime yet come out of it with next to nothing.

That next to nothing would be a few quid more if benefit fraudsters hadn't stolen nearly a billion pounds of taxpayers money.

Surely you're not naive enough to believe that anything the government recoup from things like this ends up back where it really should ..... back in the hands of the needy ....... that's just pie in the sky government talk to try to appease the masses , we all know the reality.

Maybe not mate, but the fact remains that we, as a country, would be nearly a billion pounds better off if it weren't for benefit thieves. Why should they be allowed to get away with it when the rest of us have to work hard & pay our taxes in order to subsidise these fcukers who think that society owes them something?

What would the country be like if we all decided to do this?
LCBblue said:
Well it depends how well you know them, and what your relationship is like with them...
No it doesn't. Fuck 'em off; they're thieving scumbags whether you're pals with them or not.
I think some people see this as a victimless crime (the same view many have of shoplifting). Well, neither of them are. They both end up costing us more (at least those of us who work for a living & are law abiding).
black mamba said:
i find it hard to blame people for attempting to 'playing the system'
Do you find it hard to criticise MPs for 'playing the system'? I bet you don't, yet most of them haven't even broken any rules, let alone laws. This family is taking the piss and doesn't even seem to be worried about flaunting the fact. Teach the robbing twats a lesson, I say.
Dubai Blue said:
tommcfc said:
Cheesy said:
stu the blue 85 said:
i dnt claim for nefin my self but if i could i would coz all these immgrants over ere getting hand outs so fuck it.

Don't talk nonsense.

in fact, just don't talk
I don't think he can, judging by that post

ok fair enough its not rite wot he's doin but for fook sake nothin worse than a snitch

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