would you??

very interesting interview with the Romanian ambassador on 5Live this morning. These are Roma gypsies not ordinary Romanians. the local people were saying how much trouble they caused. The ambassador said "No No No... they are just misunderstood" The radio reporter than played another interview with a Romanian woman living in London who said that they are real trouble - much worse than our pikeys and that they were not real Romanians and she would cross the street rather than face them becasue they are animals. The Romanian ambassador had no answer.

I don't condone throwing bricks but if they moved next to me and acted that way I would burn the f*ckers out!
Ronnie the Rep said:
very interesting interview with the Romanian ambassador on 5Live this morning. These are Roma gypsies not ordinary Romanians. the local people were saying how much trouble they caused. The ambassador said "No No No... they are just misunderstood" The radio reporter than played another interview with a Romanian woman living in London who said that they are real trouble - much worse than our pikeys and that they were not real Romanians and she would cross the street rather than face them becasue they are animals. The Romanian ambassador had no answer.

I don't condone throwing bricks but if they moved next to me and acted that way I would burn the f*ckers out!

i agree with most of what you say, its not the fact they are from romania, but the fact that these people are almost feral, thieving, begging, and a multitude of other uncivilised acts.
we should just refuse entry. and kick out all that get over the border. can you for one minute imagine having these fuckers living next to you and yours. talk about hell on earth.
r.soleofsalford said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
very interesting interview with the Romanian ambassador on 5Live this morning. These are Roma gypsies not ordinary Romanians. the local people were saying how much trouble they caused. The ambassador said "No No No... they are just misunderstood" The radio reporter than played another interview with a Romanian woman living in London who said that they are real trouble - much worse than our pikeys and that they were not real Romanians and she would cross the street rather than face them becasue they are animals. The Romanian ambassador had no answer.

I don't condone throwing bricks but if they moved next to me and acted that way I would burn the f*ckers out!

i agree with most of what you say, its not the fact they are from romania, but the fact that these people are almost feral, thieving, begging, and a multitude of other uncivilised acts.
we should just refuse entry. and kick out all that get over the border. can you for one minute imagine having these fuckers living next to you and yours. talk about hell on earth.
ernesto said:
would you stonie?

i would want to but no way as wouldnt want to hurt children but this is just the start if turkey or most of the other third world european countries are allowed into the european circus then they will have virtually free access into our country then what has happened in northern ireland will pave into insignificance.As for he racist factor well this it may seem but am pretty sure "ronnie the rep" would, or anyone would feel the same if it was a load of scroats from within the uk were causing such shit, racism is far too easilly branded about thee days.
Invite them in to discuss your grievances over a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit.

It's the only way.

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