Writing a Screenplay - Any advice?

You need a good strong character, someone who is wealthy but not so good on the looks side of things. He needs to be on his third wife, always works that, at least one of the previous wives has gone lesbian, adds a little spice does that. He must have a few kids as well just to weigh him down.
As for a storyline? How about 3rd wife is always shopping whilst he slobs around the house drinking and farting, one day he sees his arse and strangles her. He buries her body in the foundations of an apartment block he is building in the city centre. No one suspects a thing until he blabs off his mush to an online forum full of weirdos, ne'r do wells and drunks. They laugh then shop him to der Dibble ?

What do you reckon ?
Run with it Musty!
Apart from 'don't bother' : )

I've been thinking of writing a script for years but never got round to it so I'm finally getting my arse in gear to make it happen.

I'm interested to hear if anyone on here has any experience writing or editing and if you have any advice or information, website links etc that might be useful? I've done some googling but there's so much information out there I don't know where to start.

The problem so far is I've done a lot of (maybe too much) planning, ideas for character arcs, plot development, scenes and settings etc but I seem to be spending more time doing all this than actually writing, which makes me think I'm not going about it the right way...

Any information or advice would be much appreciated!

Put some shagging in it. Maybe dinosaurs or pirates too if it's for kids.
Thanks mate, really helpful advice. I'll pick up a copy of Now Write, that's exactly what I had in mind. I'll also look in to Blake Snyder's Save the Cat, I have been trying to write ahe outline but wasn't sure if I was going about it the right way.

I have downloaded quite a few different scripts which I'm working my way through at the moment, hoping for inspiration!
Syd Field also does one called The Screenwriters Workbook, which presumably goes quite well with his popular screenwriting book.
I practiced writing a screenplay by writing one for a programme I liked. Mine was Family Guy and The Race To Mars. I'm laughing now thinking about it. :)
Working Title - Gobbledegook

Opening titles.

Scenes 1 to 76
(Writers note. Improvise the whole fucking thing you cunts! You actors are always going on about having creating freedom so get on with it you precious wankers. As for the director and producer do your fucking job properly and were all set for life.)

You could have the Nevilles sister in it as a transgender female to male and replacing Ole at the swamp

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