Writing a Screenplay - Any advice?

The two biggest pieces of advice I can give you. Firstly, it takes time to find your voice. Trial and error. The best writers in this country have all written a piece of shit at some stage in their life and each piece of shit has been an important stepping stone on their journey to finding their voice and becoming a professional writer.

Secondly, the best writers are tireless at re-writing. They aren't scared to kill their babies but they know when they need to hold onto something. This comes more with experience but often young, inexperienced writers will hold onto a good scene, or a good few lines of dialogue despite it possibly not being right for the story. Fundamentally understanding the story you want to tell is a lot harder and complex than it might sound.

Good luck my friend.

Great advice, thanks mate. I'm not expecting to be write one script and it to be amazing I know it's going to take a lot of hard work but I'm enjoying the challenge!

I completely agree where you've mentioned that understanding the story you want to tell being more complex than expected. I was at that point last week for a few days thinking I like this idea but what's the best way to actually tell it... I'll probably end up changing it again at some point but just concentrating on actually writing at the moment after too many weeks of procrastinating.

Thanks for the advice, much appreciated.
Fantastic thread @Bellamy's Caddy

A mate of mine took a risk and left work to start script writing/filmmaking. He's done some great little horror works which have been screened at Frightfest.

Good luck. I hope it leads somewhere fantastic for you.

Thanks for the reply Mat. Great that things have worked out so well for your friend, it shows that dedication can pay off.

I don't have any long term ambitions about this other than giving it my best and finishing it. If it leads somewhere great, if not hopefully I'll enjoy looking back on it in years to come... either that or I'll cringe any time someone mentions it!
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I'm busy eating pringles

I messed up my last post (stuck in Hong Kong airport and it's 3am) anyway Bimbo is volunteering as both the dwarf and the elephant, mind you I think he is a little confused, l know Barcon said he was hung like a donkey but that is not the same as having a trunk.
I messed up my last post (stuck in Hong Kong airport and it's 3am) anyway Bimbo is volunteering as both the dwarf and the elephant, mind you I think he is a little confused, l know Barcon said he was hung like a donkey but that is not the same as having a trunk.

You still fannying about in airplanes then I see?
You are going the right way about it, your focus on arcs and development are the core of a good story the viewer can invest in.

To get tips on what not to do Mauler on yt is very good at dissecting failures. He has hours on hours of the recent star wars films. The critical drinker is a writer and he gives good perspective. Henry Bosely (The Closer look) is very good.

My personal tip if i could offer just one is do not write a screen play like a book, you must be laser foccussed in your screen play, a book can meandre off course a while with no ill effects. It can... nay, will kill a movie. So character building needs to be on point, not to clunky so you get "this has been done before" and not to sharp where you end up with Snoke, who is he, what is he, what are his goals and why etc. The viewer should never have to do the writing for you.

Stay away from personal politics, see Ghostbusters 2016, Start Wars (under Kennedy's stewadship), Terminator 2019, Charlies Angels 2019 etc as examples why. Viewers are sick of it.

Beyond that i wish you the very best of luck, keep this thread updated please. Many of us would humbly be willing to advise and you can pick and choose what advice to take.

Edit: Filmento is pretty decent to along with Georg Rockall-Schmidt(this guy has just started making a film as he hit his kick starter target, really knows his stuff)
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