Wrong fuel in your car.

law74 said:
foot01 said:
Good job I turned up in my 4x4,

Dingle? or Chelsea rent boy?
Dingles I can understand having a 4x4 but if not a farmer then WHY?

Lives/works somewhere that gets a lot of snow.

Lives somewhere that has an access road which a normal car wouldn't manage.

Works in a job that requires off road driving.
law74 said:
foot01 said:
Good job I turned up in my 4x4,

Dingle? or Chelsea rent boy?
Dingles I can understand having a 4x4 but if not a farmer then WHY?

woman on road big car less bother,

no crap driver really, people see big car woman driver, panic and they move give wide birth, easy motoring.

In Cleo now, HAD TO STOP PUTTING MAKE UP ON and doing my hair WHILE DRIVING, coz need to pay attention now in small car, awwwwwww
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Somebody should come up with some kind of different nozzle system for the different fuels. I'm surprised nobody has thought of it actually.

I really don't know how people can put the wrong fuel in. Surely if it's your own car you know whether it's Diesel or Petrol, and if not, most cars have stickers on the fuel door telling you
I rented a car in January to go to a job interview in Berlin. Only a small car, a Renault Megane.
Just before returning the car, I had to fill it up, so I went into the petrol station and filled it with petrol.
The next day I get a phone call from the car hire firm telling me that I'd put petrol in a diesel car. Nobody told me beforehand that it was a diesel, as most small cars tend to be petrol, and it did drive like a petrol car. Also, there was no sticker inside the petorl cap. So I thought, ok, I should have looked at the handbook and doublechecked.
Fortunately, or so I thought, I had taken out extra insurance, so I only had to pay the excess - 650 Euros. Job done.
Got a letter last week from the firm wanting me to pay 2,200 Euros repair costs. Absolutely fuming I was. What's the point of having extra insurance?
So I went to the lawyer yesterday and she said it doesn't look good, but will try and get them on a technicality. That was my money for my Australia flights!
Hopefully everything will work out fine, then again.....it is only money :(

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