X Factor - its back!

if it means that talentless little chav losing then I'll be voting Wagner all the way

or anyone really
remember susan boyle being the favourite on BGT....i reckon one direction or cher will win, whatever the result, they have both got contracts
jamiegrimble said:
This is how it should be done.Auto tuning doesn't do it.Jessie J.Tuesday 9/11 live on Jools Holland.

I would enjoy that more without her saying: "Okay, listen, yeah" at the beginning, "Bu-bling, bu-bling" and the fact that she needs to break into a grime rapper for five seconds.
No point in watching it anymore since the highly inconsistent , and annoying , Simon Cowell came out and admitted it wasn't actually a 'singing show' ..... remember his words to TreyC and Katie?

"who do i put through , the better singer or the more interesting person"?

he then promptly put the 'more interesting' person' through!

As if that wasn't debateable enough , we now we have that Dermott ('the suit') whatisname admitting that the shows voting was 'rigged' last week ........ as though that was ever really gonna shock anybody with even half a brain ........ and 'just' last week , Dermott , are you sure?

They put through to the judges who they want to put through , and it's all really about who they WANT to win ......... actual voting figures for the season AREN'T released until the final has taken place for a very good reason ..... the more cynical amongst us would probably suggest it's so that things can be 'tweaked' to suit before the public actually get to see them , but they're hardly likely to ever admit that in any case , are they?

Matt (Spurs fan) , or Rebecca (Liverpool fan) SHOULD win , it goes without saying , we all know that ....... as they're probably the best bet to actually last the course as truly talented performing artistes long after the shows conclusion ......

but you just know that Cowell wants his boygroup , 'One Direction' , to win so badly , that almost certainly , that's exactly what WILL happen ....... and especially as a group haven't won the X Factor yet too ..... he might even , with a bit of luck , take them to America with him ..... where they can all share a bed with the accompanying Cheryl ....... that's if the Americans , once they manage to find out who she actually is , agree to having her over there!

'One Direction' should hopefully (with a shed load of luck!) last of all of 12 months afterward the show finishes!

As for Cheryl Cole ...... well if she couldn't see what was going on there with last weeks voting she needs to get to Specsavers , did she really think she'd get a 'deadlock' vote?

Or maybe she 'could see' .... and played along with things merely to get herself out of a tight corner ........ and of couse to fire up the watching millions and the media into talking about her non-decision all week!

and as for Louis Walsh?

Well he's just a clueless twat , as always ...... his mystifying contestant decisions continue to be something of a national joke ........ just fortunate for him , i suppose , that HE doesn't actually have to audtion for anything himself ....... or else he might just as well stay at home!

Ultimately one has to feel sorry for TreyC , of course , a very talented singer , but merely a naive 'pawn in the game' of course ..... her 'outing' has caused her furious dad to label the show a 'fix' ....... but surely he hasn't just found that out , has he?

I worked that out FIVE years ago when they uncerimoniously dumped Maria Lawson out on the pavement!


yeseye said:
Mamba, you seem to have an awful lot of spare time on your hands!
My fence needs a lick of paint, how you fixed?

Well i'd luv too 'chuck' , but unfortunately my back ain't quite what it used to be , and anyway i'm headin' out to the mecca that is COMS in about ten minutes time .......

if my trusty ol' car starts , that is ......

i wasn't out there at 10 o'clock this morning givin' it a good kick up the bumper for nothing!!

However the stadium could do with a lick of colour added to it too , now that you come to mention the word 'paint' ..... the only thing that seems to be 'glossy' around there nowadays is the matchday magazine!

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