Xabi Alonso

citytill1die84 said:
Good player but 32 now and wouldn't be a 1st team player here. Fernandinho & Yaya can't be touched and we won't play the 3 of them every game. Rather go for a younger talent myself Pogba or Barkley.

To be honest, It will be very difficult to buy Barkley. Most Evertonians believe this wont turn out like the Rooney saga when they were forced to sell to the rags. Plus,do we really need to spend 30+ million for another attacking midfielder when we have Silva,Nasri,Jovetic can play there,we can push Yaya up too.....

Pogba would be Yaya's heir to our midfield. I really hope we could pull this off,but Juve will try squeeze so much caash out of us. Alonso is also a good back-up,but his wages could be tedious. PSG's Matuidi wo0uld be a good back-up IMO, free, wouldnt ask for huge wages, reliable

The great dilemma of Xabi Alonso
The midfielder , available in June, must decide if it exceeds its disagreement with Real Madrid or accept other offers

Last month the PSG contacted with Iñaki Ibáñez, Xabi Alonso agent to offer you a three-year contract totaling 40 million net : 10 per year plus 10 signature. Concerned about the Parisian club impart an irresistible halo, the Qataris insisted on keeping secret talks at all , unless a deal is confirmed. They would move the world the idea that the PSG is a club that can give you a negative reply . But Ibanez was cool and indefinite . As enigmatic as his client , a man of broad social skills , however , is inscrutable even to his teammates.

FIFA regulations state that Alonso is legitimized since last Wednesday to negotiate with any club. Remains free on 30 June. The situation is unusual in a player of his size and offers fabulous opportunities before the last big contract of his career. Alonso is master of his destiny as the luxury of doubt , at a crossroads that has remained in suspense Madrid, PSG , the City, Manchester United and Juventus allowed . All they have expressed their desire to have him , and Chelsea can join the auction .

Alonso Great dilemma results from the initial position of Madrid , which until this fall was reluctant to renew . This caught the player during the difficult months of last season , when it should be adjusted to cope with the groin injury . In your environment say it is very proud and felt unfairly helpless to signals sent Madrid at a time of personal difficulty . Instead of offering an improved contract according to his excellent performance during four years from the policy you did get the idea that they suspected their physical condition and that they sought a waiver . In the offices of the Bernabéu there who confirmed that the signing of Illarramendi had no other purpose than to supplant the old midfielder by a younger . Until this fall offers renewal of Madrid did not improve the current pay five million by Alonso . The strategy outlined by President Florentino Perez pointed to a regeneration template and player of Tolosa , 32 , alone in the plans with a secondary role.

Evidence that Illarra is too tender for such a heavy witness not stalled on the board until October. As if the opening matches of the League not prove revealing, Carlo Ancelotti was forceful in his conversations with Florentino Pérez . According to Madridistas sources , exposure coach was jarring . Ancelotti said Alonso was the most important player in the template for his influence on the game , and warned that if the club was not able to withhold the next two years would be two lost years. The technician who believes that 2016 has to order his own succession Alonso is on the market because no comparable youth . Ancelotti Illarra compared with Pirlo to explain that this kind of players need to mature : Pirlo was on loan from Inter in 1999 , aged 20, and was not consolidated in Milan until his second season with 24.

Pellegrini called him to offer handle City and PSG promised 40 million

Convinced that it was necessary to turn to his plan in autumn Florentino Perez was quick to offer Alonso two-year contract totaling 13 million euros net . The absence of a clear response from the player extended his stupor leaders Real Madrid , who in recent months have ranged from total pessimism and guarded optimism . In the Bernabeu a rumor that they were willing to offer up to 10 million net per year.

Wary of Florentino Perez observed mistrust as well as public impact he would have to open the club crisis Alonso has had serious doubts about the decision to take. Manuel Pellegrini , coach of the City, called him weeks ago to offer the undisputed title . The Chilean team spoke over future of Europe , a 4-3-3 scheme in which he would play alongside Yaya and Fernandinho , and a salary of 10 million per season . Juventus , which is also called, not much money but promised to him , which has an aristocratic sense of football, was attracted to the mystique of the Old Lady .

This same sense of lineage pushes him to hold on to Madrid, the city and especially the white club. From January 1 , Alonso has the last word .
Makes more sense if we go to three man in central midfield. If people are continuing to slag Garcia now, Alonso would not be much better in a two man midfield. He is not mobile enough.
Alonso is still a very good player, but has not been the player he was for a while. I don't think this is a case of Alonso wanting to leave, but Madrid wanting to get rid. He's been part of the problem for Madrid and the reason why Mourinho wanted Modric. Alonso though is a world cup hero and dropping him for Modric is not easily done. On a free or on the cheap would still be a fantastic signing, but in terms of quality there are many midfielders out there better than him.

Would be a good move for Chelsea to go after him, whilst Van Ginkel recovers, but not sure his relationship is with Mourinho.
His age is against him, but unlike Arsenal and Chelsea we have no depth to our midfield. So any quality player would strengthen us.
birchwoodgingerste said:
jared said:
Makes more sense if we go to three man in central midfield. If people are continuing to slag Garcia now, Alonso would not be much better in a two man midfield. He is not mobile enough.

thats irish how can it make sense if he wouldnt be much better than garcia?
What do you mean by `thats irish`?
No resale value and too old for us now. Be good for Liverpool or day I say it the Rags for a few years..
If our option is Alonso or nobody, by all means get him in. But we need another Fernandinho far more than someone like Alonso. A midfield two of him and Yaya wouldn't be very effective IMO.

Much better option than Garcia, but ill chuck on a City shirt if they're our standards.

The article above is interesting if it's at all true.
Plenty of experience and still has enough quality but we will have to work out on how we can utilise him in our current set up.

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